Are You Okay?

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A man with a hunched back is busy watching his phone, the only light that is illuminating his room after waking up. The melodious tone resonates inside the walls of the heavily decorated bedroom. The fair skinned man, in his mid twenties, listens to the melodious ringtone coming from the speaker of his stylish phone. His hands formed into a tight fist, except his right hand clutches a small cartoon box; to a point that the box caves and squishes the objects inside it. 

This phone call makes it the third call he has made after being awakened by his mother. It compelled him into a sense of dread as he anxiously taps his empty fist against the table along with the rhythm of the ringtone. Seconds passes by and just as he finished licking his lips. the call finally went through after the fourth time. 

The man answered with a soft tone, "Hey, Zhou Zhou," a contrast with how deep his voice is. The person on the other line of the call let out an elongated and heavy sigh. 

"Jingyu... Are you okay?" Asked Wei Zhou in a faint whisper. "I heard from your assistant and my mom about what happened."

Silences replied back to the worried man, almost to the point in tears.

"Jingyu, you can tell me, you know. I'm right here for you, always." Wei Zhou opened his mouth to further give him encouraging words, but he was cut off by the other man in the phone. 

"I'm good, Zhou Zhou. Thank you," croaked Jingyu as he heftily breathed in. "I... We found him dead near the flower bed. At that time, I was preoccupied and tired at the same time so... If only I found him sooner, and gotten medical help faster. He-"

"Don't beat yourself up. It's not your fault he's..." Wei Zhou let out a sigh. His eyes turning red and water forming the rims of his lashes. "I wish I could be with you right now. If I can fly to your side I'd do it in a heartbeat. We should stop getting into these kinds of shows, to be honest. Your manager told me you went scaling down a building, again. And I know you have fear of heights." 

Wei Zhou's on the verge of breaking down with worry, knowing Jingyu would clamp up and keep to himself once more. "Jingyu, don't shut yourself up, again. Please..."

"Zhou Zhou, I could have help him! If only I was fa-"

"But, it was an accident! And its not your fault!"

Both men's ragged breathing could be heard on each other's speakers. There was a moment of silence between the two. One person was silently crying while the other was self loathing. Seconds turned to minutes, the two basking in the silence until the person that called couldn't take the deafening silence. 

"Jingyu, I'm coming to you tomorrow, whether you like it or not. And, I don't care if we get caught by some paparazzo or some fans, I'm coming." Before Zhou Zhou presses the end button, he said, "I love you no matter what."

The other end didn't have a chance to say something back as he immediately hears the beep of his lover's call being dropped. A frown appeared on his lips and his eyebrows furrowed. The knuckles of his hand that is gripping on the phone, is starting to turn white. Regret starts settling in his bones as he stares at the black screen of his phone. The light illuminating his face shows how he felt in the inside.

His lips formed a thin line, and grits his teeth. Thoughts begin to form in his mind, and whatever end scenarios he could think of, he didn't want it. Jingyu opens his phone and went to his private wechat account, and started typing. 

What he wrote was for only Zhou Zhou's eyes, but the first line he typed was I love you, and I can't wait to see you. The rest were all blurry, easing Jingyu to start feeling better. After the first line, all his worries and despair he had felt is slowly turning into words.  

A person's life can be easily taken, and everyone will mourn in their own way. But the memories of that person will live within them and in their lives as long as they remember. So remember, they maybe gone, but they live on with us. 


A/N: Hey, guys... How you guys been? I'm sorry for being absent for a long time. Just life got in the way, but I'm trying to get back to writing, again. Hopefully, everything goes well this year. The past few years has been fairly well for me, but it could have been better. Here's to 2020 being a better year. Hope to hear from you guys. 

To Godfrey Gao, may you rest in peace. To Everyone of his love ones, friends, and fans, hope you guys are okay and taking his passing well. Losing a loved one hurts, but through time we can ease that pain. It's hard to start moving right now, but we'll get there someday. 

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