Rain Song: These Tears Keep Falling

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The man sitting on the bed was called by many names. Timmy Xu for business overseas, Xue WeiZhou used locally, ZhouMeow from his fans, and ZhouZhou for his personal life. Currently, he was in his bedroom wallowing in despair at what happened.

It began a month ago, when Huang JingYu contacted him. Huang JingYu was a costar he acted with in a Chinese drama web series. During the time they were filming, something clicked between them. A spark ignited so to speak. It started as a friendship which gradually turned to something more.

After their acting stint in that drama, with all the promotions and doing interviews with each other, they began to miss each other. One day, they met up, talked and thus rekindled their love for one another.

Their love went on to be the talked about from fans of the drama to gaining new ones. Despite the constant harassment from anti-fans, blocking them from appearing in new projects, and the constant bashing, they got through it with each other.

No one knew which one started it or really confessed, but ZhouZhou knew JingYu was the one. The ring was a proof of that, as ZhouZhou stared at it with his redden eyes.

The thunderous storm outside his window startled him from his daydreaming. His cheeks wet from the unceasing crying of his. ZhouZhou's eyes were bloodshot as he looked at his window, the rain heavily falling against the glass.

Picking up his phone once more, he unlocked it to see the picture JingYu had taken with him. The picture showed them side by side, with Zhouzhou's hand displaying the number two with his fingers. JingYu's hand displayed a Shaka sign - a Brazillian sign for surfers. But for Chinese, it was  a sign for number six.

There was a significance to signs for the two. Both men's birthday numbers, when added up equal to twenty six. For Chinese, the numbers also have meanings. The two could mean stupid or foolish while six could mean good. In a joking manner, JingYu was the one who posted the picture, with a comment that he was a good boy while ZhouZhou was a fool.

A teardrop fell on the glaring screen of ZhouZhou's phone. As he stared into the picture, he couldn't help but feel his heart ache for the longing of his embrace, sweet kisses, and soft spoken words of love. If he could only, ZhouZhou would go to JingYu's side. But the circumstances wouldn't let them be.

Fingering the ring on his wedding finger, he couldn't help but have awful thoughts. What if they weren't gonna get back together? Or if he found another person? Maybe a woman this time, someone he couldn't measure to? Or that JingYu would simply forget him and their love?

The unknown scared him making him let out a wail. Tears ran down his cheeks once more. One hand held a tight grip on the phone and the other hand on his chest. The usual fair skin of his was more even paler.

"I miss you, JingYu," ZhouZhou softly whispered with his eyes closed tightly.

He had been crying almost the whole day during his free time. It was one of those days where he missed being with his lover. To be able to touch, hear, watch him, and enjoy a moment lost in each other.

Having seen him in another dating scandal was like a stab to the heart. They knew it was a must to pretend to be with other women but it was still a heartbreaking thing to do. The pain would still be there as long as they kept this up.

Only time will tell. Until then, ZhouZhou was willing to wait. Even if the rain fell like his tears, he would wait for his love. And when the time came, they could be together again.

Until that day, rain will keep falling. But the love will continue on, for love is stronger and can't be washed away.

A/N: Because I'm feeling a bit emotional with YuZhou, here's something for you guys. 😭
Please follow me for more stories, one-shots, songfics, and other non YuZhou stories coming up later. Give it a star if you like it! Thank you for reading and comment down below if you were crying as I did when I was writing this.

Credit: edited by withaslightsmile

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