are you behind this?

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Jimin was in shock, he never even imagined that Jungkook would like boys.

"w-wait a second... so you're telling me that you like boys? that the kind of feeling you have towards Taehyung?" Jimin asked with a serious voice.

Jungkook didn't reply, he just nodded his head, and stared at his own lap. He knew if he would talk he'll either stutter or tear up.

"And does he know?" Jimin asked, still looking at the silent, nervous Jungkook.

"I-I don't know" Jungkook replied, almost whispering. He was relieved he didn't stutter as much as the other days.

"Then tell him kookie, when he comes home you need to tell him" Jimin said, putting his hands on Jungkook's back to comfort him.

"Wait... aren't you mad at me?" Jungkook said with big eyes and a confused expression, now looking right into Jimin's eyes.

Jimin laughed a bit and smiled softly "why should I kookie? I'm your bestfriend and I'll accept everything you choose to be, and you can't control your feelings so it doesn't matter to me which gender you choose to fall in love with... as long as it isn't me" Jimin laughed.

Jungkook knew he could trust Jimin and he knew he could tell him everything.

"thank you hyung" Jungkook smiled widely "but what if Taehyung doesn't accept my feelings and what if he's going to hate me or think I'm weird, what should I do then... hyung, I'm not ready to be rejected" Jungkook said with a sad expression. Just by the thoughts of being rejected by Taehyung made his heart break in two.

"Kookie, Just try it at least, you'll never know what he'll say. And if you get rejected you always have me to comfort you" Jimin said, the soft, little smile still on his face.

"I don't know hyung...." Jungkook said, he felt tears forming in his eyes and he didn't know why he wanted to cry, but he knew one thing for sure, he couldn't let them drip in front of Jimin.

"hyung, I'm sleepy, and it's already late so I'll go and sleep. Thanks hyung.... for helping me" Jungkook said, and before Jimin could say anything back, he was already on the staires.

When Jungkook arrived at his and Taehyung's bedroom he opened the door and walked inside, closing the door behind him. He sat on Taehyung's bed and stared at the blank wall for a while. He layed down on the bed, hand beneath his head and stared through the window at the moon high in the sky, and the stars twinkling around it

"at least the moon has his stars around him, why can't I have my star around me?"

He felt a teardrop dripping down his face onto the pillow. He remembered all the moments he had with Taehyung, when he was near Taehyung even if they were fighting or arguing. He doesn't care anymore if Taehyung doesn't like boys, all he cares about is that Taehyung is coming back soon to the dorm... to him.

"Should I tell him or not?" And with that thought, he closed his eyes and fell in a deep sleep.

Two weeks later:

"Taehyung, I made dinner, do you want to eat!?" Jimin shouted from downstaires. The doctor allowed Taehyung to leave the hospital, since he already felt better, and couldn't stay for more then a second at the hospital anymore. He hated that smell.

Taehyung walked downstaires putting his shoes and jacket on "huh? Where are you going Tae?" Jungkook asked while sitting down at the dining table, next to Jimin.

"It's none of your business" Taehyung replied with a cold expression, he turned around, facing the door "ah, don't wait for me... I won't come home until midnight or later" and with that he pulled the door open and closed it loudly behind him.

Since he came back to the dorm he completely changed, he doesn't eat breakfast nor dinner with Jimin and Jungkook, he keeps ignoring the two, he doesn't reply to their calls or messages, he doesn't come home until late at night, and sometimes he even comes home completely drunk. He changed from a sweet, caring little boy to an arrogant, enraged, selfish boy. And Jungkook still doesn't know what changed him so much.

"Hyung.... what's wrong with him?" Jungkook asked concerned. He couldn't understand why Taehyung acted like that. The last time when he saw the real Taehyung was at the hospital, when Taehyung had that warm, loving feeling in his eyes, and that sweet, little box smile, when he thanked Jungkook for staying with him. But now, now there was nothing more then an arrogant Taehyung.

"I don't know Jungkook, I really don't..." Jimin said, he sighed and put his fork on his plate, he couldn't eat anymore, the both of them lost their appetite.

"I thought he changed... back then when I was with him in the hospital.... but he became even more worse then before" Jungkook said with a sad expression. He really wished Taehyung would change, that they would become good friends or even more.

Jimin didn't reply, he just stared at his plate. After a long time of silence he finally spoke up "I'm worried Jungkookie, I'm worried that he'll come home drunk again, like those other nights" he grabbed his phone beside him and tried to message Taehyung

taehyungie :

"Tae, where are you!! Please tell me, or at least just come home"

Error, your message was not sent. This number has blocked you, please try again later

"WHAT!?!?" Jimin shouted while pounding his hands loudly on the table, making the plates almost fall on the ground.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked concerned and confused.

"he blocked me" Jimin replied after letting all of his anger out. There was someone calling him, but he hang up immediately.

"Don't be mad, even if he didn't block you, he wouldn't answer anyway.. I'll stay here until he comes back" Jungkook said while picking up the plates and placing them in the dishwasher.

"You don't have to, go do something for yourself and let that asshole solve his own problems, he said it himself it's none of your business" Jimin said coldly while standing up, walking towards the staires.

"How can you say that? Didn't you say you were worried?! Then why are you acting this way all of a sudden? Weren't you always the one that told us to behave a bit more mature?! Weren't you always the one that told me that even if someone told me that it's okay and to not get involved with their problems, to not listen and help them?! And to not turn my back to people that need help!? And now you're telling me to just go and chill while our friend comes almost every night drunk home!? And we don't even know what he's doing right now!!" Jungkook shouted towards Jimin, his voice filled with anger.

Jimin was still standing at the staires. He just ignored Jungkook and kept walking upstaires.

"UNBELIEVABLE!!! WHAT KIND OF FRIEND ARE YOU!!!??" Jungkook shouted louder then before, he couldn't control his anger. He never expected Jimin to say those things.

He finished all the dishes and walked to the sofa and sat down, staring at the turned off tv.

After a while it became boring so he walked up the staires to his and Taehyung's room to grab his phone, he stopped when he reached Jimin's room "was I overreacting a bit?... NO, I wasn't.." Jungkook thought.

Just when he wanted to continue walking to his own shared room, he heard Jimin talking to someone through his phone.

"I said NO!!! I don't pay you for nothing and how long should I keep acting like I care about him?! I want him gone from here, understood!?" Jimin shouted through the phone.

"What is he talking about?" Jungkook thought while peeking through the keyhole.

"keep him there, and drive him to the dorm after midnight. tell him you're just a stranger who wants to help. if you mention my name even once I'll cut your tongue out of your mouth. Jungkook will wait for him downstaires, make sure he won't see you, understood?"

Jungkook widen his eyes, all kind of thoughts were going through his head.

"is Jimin behind all this? Is he the one who completely changed Taehyung!?

plot twist ;) I hope you don't hate me LOL

I hate you, I love you ㅣTaekook. (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now