it's over

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Taehyung's pov :

"I'm sorry Jungkook, I'm so sorry. He'll hurt you if I do otherwise.

He forced me to be with him, he forced me to sleep with him, kiss him and hug him even when you're around. And if I don't do as he said, a guy called Daddy B will hurt you, and I can't let that happen.

Remember when we slept together on the couch, I promised that I wouldn't leave you anymore. You probably think I'm a liar now, that I'm just a selfish boy who doesn't have feelings at all.

But I promise you Jungkook, one day I'll be strong enough to face Jimin, and to comeback to you."

One day we'll hold each other's hands and tell the world that we're together. But for now, let's just keep it this way.

I'm scared that Jungkook has something to do with the knife that I found this morning in the bathroom, that he did something to himself.

All kind of thoughts were crossing my mind and I didn't know which one I should believe.

I noticed that the smile that he gave me today wasn't as real as the smile he gave me the other days. Please Jungkook keep strong and don't hurt yourself or cry about me. I promise you we'll be together.... Some day.


Jimin's pov :

"I already warned you Jungkook, stay away from him or I'll pick him away from you. And if you dare to touch him or even talk to him now, something really bad will happen."

So this is the deal. If Taehyung leaves me and goes to Jungkook, Jungkook will get hurt. And If Jungkook touches Taehyung, Jungkook won't see Taehyung for a long time.

As long as he's with me, nothing bad is going to happen to the two of them.

I remember when me and taehyung were best friends and when our relationship became more. we were in love, flirted and looked into each others eyes with admiration. Everything was so beautiful between us.

but he ended it.

He just threw it away, like it didn't mean anything to him.

I kept begging him to come back to me, but as time passed by I gave up on him too, not because I didn't love him anymore, not because I didn't want to be with him anymore, but because not once did he ever even fight for me.

He didn't say it, but I noticed that he didn't want me anymore.

And all I want now is for Taehyung to be who he was before, to love me like he always did and for us to be able to talk again like before, to be together.

Loving someone who doesn't love you back is like hugging a cactus, the tighter you hold on to it, the more it hurts.

He loves Jungkook, he loves Jungkook now and I don't know what to do anymore. I'm madly in love with someone who doesn't even care about me.


Author's pov :

They stayed like that in the kitchen until Jungkook was out of sight.

"happy?" Taehyung said while pushing Jimin off of him and turned around to finish the breakfast, not facing him anymore.

"So are you just going to throw everything away? Everything we did together and all the promises that you made with me, to never leave me and to stay by my side forever?" Jimin said while putting his hands on Taehyung's shoulder to get his attention.

"Don't talk like I'm the bad guy here. 'You' were always the one who yelled at me for just talking to Hoseok hyung or the others" Taehyung replied harshly, now facing Jimin.

"I was jealous oke? And I admit that I was jealous even when you just looked at an other boy then me. But I loved you Taehyung, and I still do, and I'm getting mad about the fact that you don't love me anymore."

you could see all kind of emotions in Jimin's eyes. And if he could kill someone to make Taehyung fall for him again, he would do it right away, that's how much he wants Taehyung.

"If I looked at an other boy!!?? You were the one that slept with various boys almost every week! You were the one that came drunk home with a boy next to you saying that it was a beautiful night! You cheated on me and I kept my mouth shut, I tried to keep us together, but you were always way too busy keeping secrets from me! And don't tell me it was a fault and you didn't know what you were doing, cause you knew damn well what you were doing! You knew damn well who you were breaking! I'm a good enough person to forgive you, but not stupid enough to trust you again Jimin! You're so selfish, even after breaking my heart you keep coming back, just to make sure it can't recover! But you know what? I'm so proud of my heart, you know why? Because it's played, cheated, burned and broken. But somehow it still works!"

Taehyung but all shouted the words at Jimin's face, voice boomed over his words, chest heaving in rage leaving Jimin speechless.

For the first time ever since they met, Jimin saw this sight of Taehyung. He didn't know what to say anymore, he just kept silent.

"And don't be mad cause I don't care anymore, be mad because once I did and you were too blind to see it"

and with that, Taehyung left Jimin behind in the kitchen, and walked upstairs towards his and Jungkook's room.

Jimin just stood there, staring blankly at the sink in front of him.

"It's all over now"

This book is coming to an end. ㅠㅠ Just one more chapter.

thank you for the amazing support you guys have showed this book, I really appreciate it.

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