Chapter 3

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Jason's POV
I woke up to a naked Selena beside me.  I groaned in disgust , why do I keep going at it with her? Oh right, I'm Jason McCann. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. I'll be heading to my Dad's house to give my siblings money. I always do this , so they can get whatever they want. They are my world , I never let them stay here because of who I am. I don't need them getting hurt nor harmed because of me.  What ?! Jason has a soft side??  No I don't , only for them like I said.  The rest of you idc who you are , I'll be disrespectful. Anyway I got dressed and left.  I decided to take my Range Rover just so I won't be calling to much attention to myself. I soon made it to my dads house.  My step mom greeted me with a warm hug. I then was attacked by two small people. I picked them both up at the same time. They both kissed me.  " We missed you Jason " Jaxon said " Me too " I said. " You want waffles ?" Jazzy asked I chuckled no thank you I ate already. What she didn't need to know is I had some weed in my system.  Soon my dad came and we did a bro hug. We then started having a deep conversation about what's going on and my next movements. I also told him about the huge party tomorrow, which is for like criminals only and we must dress nice. Soon I decided it was time for me to leave so I said my goodbyes.  I hopped in my car and decided that now I should
Probably eat something. I was walking into Dunkin' Donuts.  Till someone came rushing out and bumped into me. I turned around to look. It was a girl. She had these huge heels , a fine ass, and a beautiful nice figure. " Watch where your going babe!"'I yelled at her. Without turning around she stuck up the middle finger.  I chuckled she's quite savage. 

this was how Ariana looked when Jason looked at her from behind

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this was how Ariana looked when Jason looked at her from behind.  * photo ^^
Ariana 's POV
I was walking out of Dunkin pretty fast because I had a nail appointment.  Yes , im all about the beauty. So accidentally bumped into someone ofcourse I wasn't gonna say sorry. But as I waa about to open my car I heard " Watch where your going babe ". I rolled my eyes and took out the middle finger and drove off...

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