Chapter 5

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Jason's POV

I was highly mad at the fact that I had to leave Jessica's side , something about her is pulling me in. I am also mad at the fact that I had to leave the event early , all because of a hoe... Selena ( Just wanted to no hate towards Selena I love her. This is just a story ) She got drunk and clearly had it with someone else , no respect for herself. I know right now you guys are probably calling me a hypocrite, well guess what.  I'm Jason McCann , I do as I please. Anyway we got home and she was getting all over me. You know I have anger issues. So I dragged that hoe and threw her in her room. Anyway she wild annoying and just a toy. With that I stripped out of my clothes and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning with Jessica on my mind. I can't get her body out of my mind. I honestly would be lying with I said I didn't want to smash her.  Well
To be honest that's the only thing I want to do ; and it shall come soon . Anyway I got dressed and walked out the house. Ofcourse I ate something. Selena didn't even dare to say a word. For someone who gets drunk she has great memory.  I hopped in my range and made my way.
It was a decent ride but , I finally made it.  I was at the best gun store in town.Since it's the best it's hidden. I walked in the store and greeted the owner , who was reading a book. But , he's great connections he always hooks
Me up . I started to look around , I was looking up at the powerful ones. I was so fascinated that I bumped into a small body. I heard an " ouch " and I caused all the items to fall out of the persons hand. When i looked down I smirked " I'm sorry babe ". Jessica looked up at me and rolled her eyes. "'what are u doing here " I asked starting to help her. " My boss left me the address and what to get " I nodded my head. " Well you shouldn't be out here alone " I said " I don't need a man " she giggled "But , you sure do need me I whispered in her ear " I chuckled I caught her off guard. She smirked and started walking again.  " How about I get your number " I asked.  I really did need it.  She looked at me and thought about it. She seemed
Unsure of whatever her answer was going to be. " Yea sure " she spoke in her soft voice.  I smirked as she told me the digits. She went to the register to made the purchase she was told to make. To be honest I have connections so my stuff is already paid for. I just came to pick it up and with my luck and walked around and bumped into Jessica. I helped her over to her car , I even opened the door for her. " So babe when can I see you again " I said " still not your babe and two I gotta see my schedule" she spoke " Good cuz I'd
Like to get to know you better " I spoke with a slight smirk. " Well I better get going bye Jason " she said " Bye Jess "
I said with a wink. I watched her drive away from the store.

Ariana's POV
As I drove I honked on the horn tf was I thinking; giving Jason McCann my number. I'm honestly done right now. No impossible I can't be falling for him nope. He just seems interesting ; if I get to know him better I can take him down I thought. We just have to see his real character. As I was driving I was reviving a call. I clicked a button , Camila's voice echoed through my whole car. " Can
You pick me up ? "'She asked "'Sure ma where you at ?" " I'm at Austin's " " Ok be there now " with that I hung up. See Camila may be the youngest in my group but , I'm really close to her. Oh and Yes Austin is her boyfriend. He's quite innocent but , that's how they all look. I have to tell Camila about Jason I tell her everything. When ? I'm thinking right now when I get here we are going to eat something. I pulled up to Austin's house and there was Camila already waiting she hopped in. Her first words were exactly what I wanted to hear " I'm starving ". I giggled and headed to our favorite pizza shop. Once we got our slices we sat down." Camila I have shit to tell you " I spoke she nodded while eatting. " So at the party I met the Jason McCann. But don't worry I have him a fake name I told him my name was Jessica and we flirted you know. He's extremely really good looking in person. Then i saw him and the gun store and you know he was being Jason, I ended up giving him my number" I said so quickly hoping she understood everything. You looked at me with wide eyes but then she smirked. " Watch you fall for him " she said " NO NO NO" I said " yes yes yes " she giggled. " ugh" was all I could say... Anyway I'm pretty sure this is all on a friendly level , I hope.
It was already night time I had just gotten out the shower till my phone made a sound.  Letting me know I got a text message it read
" Hey Babe" instantly knowing who it was I added him to my contacts" Mccann🙄" and decided to respond
  " yes what can I do for you Jason ?" I texted back
"Oh believe me , many things 💦" he responded. 

Please comment and let me know what you think 💖 Its all just getting started 😝

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