Chapter 4

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Ariana's POV

I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I'm literally thankful for friends that can cook. I walk in the kitchen to see Camila making breakfast for us all. I smack her butt, she's the youngin in my group but , mature and I love her.  Once she was done we called the rest down. Mac came and kissed my cheek I smiled and sat down.  " So are we ready for tonight "Matt asked we all nodded excitingly . " Maybe we'll bump into Jas..." I cut Victoria off knowing exactly what she was about to say. " That name shall not be mention here and if we do we act normal and don't make it seem likeI'm the Ariana who's his competition " They all nodded meaning they understood.
Before you know it we were all seated in the van and ready to go.

I believed i looked good for the occasion and attractive because Mac couldn't stop catching a glimpse of me

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I believed i looked good for the occasion and attractive because Mac couldn't stop catching a glimpse of me. Maybe I'll catch someone else's eye . I mean when at a public event Mac and I act as if we are single. I guess that lets you a little more into our relationship. We finally got there and ofcourse , you smelt the alcohol and the drugs. I had already lost Mac with this huge crowd so might as well find company. I felt eyes on my back but , I paid no mind to it. It was till I heard a voice behind me say " Watch where your going babe " I recognized the voice I bumped into him yesterday. I turned around and came face to face with the Jason McCann. " How'd you know it was me " I spoke up. " Babygirl that body and hair wasn't hard to forget " he said I slightly smirked. " What brings a beautiful girl like you over here " he said the smirk not leaving his face. " The same reason your here Jason " I spoke " ah so you've heard of me " he said. I nodded and took a sip of my drink. " So your a criminal " he asked  Right he doesn't know I'm the Ariana Grande most wanted criminal taking his
Spot. " Well I'm part of a group you know nothing major " I said. Oh really nothing major I said to myself in my head. " Oh ok , since you know my name can I get yours " he asked  I began to panic , what do I say now. " Jessica " I quickly blurted out. " Sexy name for a sexy girl " he said into my ear. Which sent shivers down my spine. No Ariana he is your competition. " How about we go someplace else " he said " sorry your not getting in my underwears " I spoke " Well with that dress that is what your calling for " he said I smirked " I was calling for some attention and I guess I caught yours Mr.Mccann " I said all seductively while taking another sip of my drink. " You have since yesterday " he said " Well you need to try harder "
I said. In which he doesn't he's really sexy but like I said he's my competition and pretty sure a hugeeee player. I was about to walk away but he pulled my arm. " This won't be the last of me " he said I just looked at him and right on time he let go because there came Selena looking like a mess.Im assuming she had some fun without Jason. Ugh , no respect for herself. Jason looked at her with complete disgust , ofcourse he notice. I giggled , he then turned around and winked ; i quickly looked away. As long as he doesn't know my true identity this will all be fun.

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