Chapter 6

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Jason's POV
I responded back to Jessica by saying
" oh believe me many things 💦"
She immediately responded back this morning
Sexy Ass 👅 < yes that's my contact name for her  " 🙄 relax yourself "
I chuckled and licked my lips. I honestly can't believe she gave me her number. Now all I have to do is take her out , be nice , and boom into her pants McCann goes. The thought of it made me smirk. All my thoughts were interrupted by Selena walking in. She honestly is annoying and can't take a hint. But , she gives me what I want but, I have bad news for her. I'm honestly not interested anymore. She used to be good in bed but , she's getting sloppy.  I need someone new and fresh ; I think we all know who that is. " May I help you ?" I said bluntly. " I was thinking we could have fun" she said trying to be all seductive. " No Thank you i don't need it from you I'm Jason McCann sweetie I have my connections in everything " I spoke she looked at me in shock. I stood up " Now I suggest you keep that pretty mouth of yours shut or then start saying bye to everyone , this job , and me " I said with an evil smirk all up in her face. She nodded quickly and left the room
I chuckled I barely did anything and she seemed frightened. But , I do mean those words. Something goes wrong between us your out of my gang and I kick you out. I don't think any of them want that because I pay them well and we all live good together we survive. It was now that I realized I hadn't respond back to Jessica.
" Sorry babe , but how about i pick you up and we can get breakfast or something"
" How about I meet you at your place and we then leave in your car"
" ok no prob anything you want "
Ok that was weird ... whatever let me shower. Oh wait she needs my addresss
" 3030 cherry lane 😉"
" see you in a few ".
I was already ready

and just on time I heard a knock on my door I opened the door and shut it closed before anyone else couldNotice

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and just on time I heard a knock on my door I opened the door and shut it closed before anyone else could
Notice. There she stood confused , wearing this.

Damn she looked sexy , I for sure knew what I wanted to eat

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Damn she looked sexy , I for sure knew what I wanted to eat. I was pulled out of my thoughts by her cute giggle. Wait , cute!?? That isn't in my vocabulary; everything to me is sexy never cute. But , anyway she said " Are u done checking me out cuz I'm starving " she spoke. " uh yea let's go " I spoke. I open the car door for her to my Ferrari. She thanked me. Once we started driving. I decided I Hop. " Why did you shut the door so quickly ?" She asked. " oh I didn't want my gang asking shit and have me do shit ; cuz sometimes they can never do anything without me " I spoke she nodded. " So who's the Leader to your little gang " I said with a smirk " I may know he or she " I said. A saw her freeze for a second and a smirk instantly grew on her face. The next words that came out of her mouth , well name was something I never expected to hear. " Ariana Grande " she said proudly. My grip on the stirring wheel got tighter. I'm tryna smash with a sexy ass girl who works for my competition who I'm tryna kill. Wow ,this is some retarded shit I thought. But , I then calmed down and started thinking about all the pros to this. I guess I had that evil look on my face because Jessica notice and asked what plan I had in mind. I told her to not worry about it. We finally arrived at I hop. As she walked in front of me I started to take in the view. Damn she was sexyy. Luckily it was empty so we got straight to business quickly. We both knew what we wanted so it made it all better. She ordered chocolate chip pancakes , while i ordered the original ones. While we waited we started to talk and I couldn't help but smile as I listened to her speak. She was now currently telling me a story about her first time using a gun. It was honestly so cute , DAMN I gotta stop using that word. Well anyway she was so innocent and now look. Well she still seems innocent I don't know. Then ofcourse it was my turn to talk. I felt comfortable with her and I told her all that deep stuff. She
Listened and understood. Once we got out I hop. She stopped me and asked if I could take few pictures of her. As she posed all those nasty thoughts got into my mind. I even took a picture with my phone. Once we were done I saw her smirk. I chuckled " what ?" " need me to fix that problem for you ?" She asked. There we go I thought. I nodded she giggled " yeaa I don't think so " she spoke. Fuck she's such a good tease. I just want to take her to the back seat and you know. But , I gotta give it more time. All I can admit is she's Gorgeous. Jason your slowly falling my mind said. But , I pushed that out the way.

Wow I've had this chapter saved here since forever.  Omg I'm so sorry. Please comment if you'd like for me to continue this story right now ...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2019 ⏰

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