Chapter 2" Time For High School"

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# How would you Describe your first day of high school?. Scary, Unpleasant, did you get a uneasy feeling in your stomach? Well that's exactly how i felt my first day of high school. I also felt like everyone was staring at me like i was a weirdo. That's when i knew i would't fit it at all # .

Freshmen year i had P.E, it was't fun at all because all these girls would make fun of me for being too tall or to skinny. My mom taught me that none of that mattered, that those girls were just jealous of what i had. A few days later in the locker room As i was changing out i heard a phone take a picture, i thought they were taking pictures of themselves. But a few minutes later outside i got a message and it was a picture of me changing into my P.E clothes. I did't understand why those girls did what they did but above all of that a freshmen girl walked over to me And introduced herself. 

# Gabby Carson# 

Gabby- Hi my name is Gabby. Whats your name?

Abby- Nice to meet you, Name is Abby.

And ever since that day we have been really good  friends. We would do everything together, w were insane when we were together. The next year as Sophomores we hung out even more than we did before, and when their was a party we would both ask out parents and if they said yes than we would go together and come back together.

# Why am i talking about Gabby, you may be wondering..... Well let me tell you. #

The second year of High School was good and all until we went to the biggest party of all. Well at least for us, So we asked our parents and they said we could go as long as we had our homework done and we were back at 9 o'clock. The day finally came and after school we both went straight home to get ready. 30 minutes later i sent a picture i took of those girls in P.E class Drunk while running 5 laps, then Gabby came and we left to the party. And when we got their we went inside and got some soda and started talking to people.

# I know you're itching to know why this is about Gabby, just wait a second. #

Well it turned out that those girls from P.E were there and one of them came up to me and punched me in the face and started cursing at me. I did't know what to do so i just got up and turned to Gabby but the girl turned me around and started punching me again this time harder and Gabby just stood there and watched, She did nothing to help her friend. And what made it even worse is that a bunch of people were video- taping and not doing anything. I did nothing because i had never been in a fight before and it scared me. A few seconds later i heard a voice.

Brady- Hey that's enough Sabrina!!!

Sabrina- Do you even know what she did!

Brady- I really don't care to be honest, now get out.!

And just like that she left, i had both my eyes beaten shut so i could't see the guy that helped me. After that he helped me up and told me that he was taking to the bathroom to clean me up And he gave me a Tylenol because he knew i would have a massive head-ache soon.

# At the time all i could remember was Gabby just staring at me with a blank face, she did nothing to help me. And that Gabby Carson is why you are being Said. #

I got my phone out, but i could barley see the numbers but i saw my mom's phone number a pressed it. As soon as she answered i  told her everything that happened and she told me she was on her way to pick me up since Gabby left. About 5 minutes later my mom and Aren showed up, And that guy helped me outside and into the car, After that i don't know what happened because i passed out. The next day at school everyone was staring at me, Probably because of the band-aids on my face or maybe because of my Black-eyes. i walked to my locker to only see Gabby in the Hall so i Walked up to her. 

Abby- What was last night about?

Gabby- What are you talking about?

Abby- Not Helping Me and just leaving after the hole fight!.

After that i just walked away i said everything i wanted to say to her, But at the same time i was still wondering who that guy was that helped me last night. All i got to do is remember.......

# Let me tell you all something i forgave Gabby, Just because she did one bad thing does't mean she's a bad person. I can understand that she was scared and did't know what to do. So Don't blame her... She was nothing but a good friend in the end..... Goodbye Gabby. #


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