Chapter 6 " Rumor's, Trust & Heartache'

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# Sorry i left you on the edge of your seat, but this is where our next person comes in.# 

Gabby still talked to me which was good. She started to tell me the real reason's why Chase broke up with me. Lucky for me she caught me at my regular lunch table eating by myself since Brady did't talk to me ever since me and Chase started dating. But i'm sure if he knew that we broke up he would be my friend again. 

Gabby- Girl i'm glad you two broke up.

Abby- Why?

Gabby- Wait you don't know?!

Abby- Know what?

Gabby- Well i heard that while you two were dating he kissed 4 girls named Kristy, Lauren, Rebecca and Jem. Sorry Abby.

I knew Brady was right, i should have listened to him in the first place. At this point i just suck as a friend. He tried to warn me about Chase but i did't listen. problem is, is that he knew Chase more than i did and i knew Brady my hole life. I guess i was just caught up in love. A few minutes later this girl walked up to me. 

Jem- Hi my name is Jem, i saw you and thought i would say Hi.

Abby- Names Abby( Kinda pissed) 

I was talking to one of the girls he kissed, you have got to be kidding me. but i just played it cool like i know nothing and we talked. 

Abby- So you dating anyone ?

Jem- Not as the time no.

Abby- Oh.......

Jem- but their is this one guy i like......

Abby- Who?

Jemdy- Well his name is Brady.

At that point i had lost it it in my head but i played it cool because i did't want her to know that i was his friend but we were't talking.

Abby- Cool.

The bell rang, i honestly did't or could't feel any happier. 8 hours later i went to the secret garden, but when i got their i saw Brady as usual But also that girl Jem was there so i walked over to see if i could talk with him.

Abby- Hey Brady 

Brady- Oh hey Abby, how our you and Chase doing?

Abby- Oh that hole thing, um.......  yeah we're through.

I was Basically admitting that i was wrong About Chase and he was right, Like he always is. He looked at Jem and she got up and walked away, i Just looked at Brady.

Brady- ( Sigh) Sit Down.

I did knowing that i was about to get the biggest talk from him of all time. I stopped thinking and started to listen. 

Brady- listen Abby, you know i'm just looking out for you, and i want whats best for you. The reason i don't like Chase is because he does't care who he hurts. He'll say he's dating someone then go kiss 4 girls. I'm just saying this  because i care for you too much to see you get hurt as a matter a face  why do you think i always stood up for you in a fight all these years we've been friends?. I don't want you to get hurt. But now i think it's time for me to be honest.... When you got that letter in your Bag on Valentines Day.... Well that was me Abby. I have been running every word through my mind, trying to find the right words to say but i could't. but i started thinking is this how i really feel? and soon i came to the conclusion that it was how i felt. Your an amazing girl and you deserve better than that no good cheating,lying dirt eater. I'm sorry i have been keeping all of this from you, i just did't know what and how to say it. 

I knew he was telling the truth because i remember what he said on Valentines Day at the secret garden. 

Abby- It's okay, I forgive you. And plus i may have known that you liked me since Valentines day.

Brady- How?

Abby- well i went to the garden that day and over heard you.

Brady- Oh......

We sat there quietly, i started to think about how bad and embarrassed he must be feeling so i decided to make it equally embarrassing..... so i kissed him on the cheek,  And After that he just looked at me, so i started to talk.

Abby- Brady i have't been totally honest with you lately. listen when i looked over the letter a few times i knew it was from you. It's only because one person has ever cared for me in a way and has always had my back..... and that's you Brady. You have been the only one to ever stand up for me when i could't, warn me about people that you personally did't trust. You are such an amazing person and kind, sweet and understanding. I love the way you are Brady, you make me a better person. 

After that nothing was for 10 minutes, that moment was so awkward and cool, awkward because of the silence and cool because i never got him to go mute before. After those 10 minutes we started to talk for a bit. i knew then that when we were laughing at ourselves we were good. We stayed their for 40 minutes talking, unfortunately the night had to end, we walked home together and when we got to my place we had to say goodbye.

Brady- well.....

Abby- I had fun.

Brady- Me too, i'll see you tomorrow?.

Abby- Always will. Bye.

Brady- Bye.

I opened the door and went inside but before i did i turned around and saw him wave at me like he always does before he leaves, so i did too, then i went up to my room and changed and went to bed. 

# Well in retrospect Chase was a no good, cheating, lying dirt eater. And Brady and i have many things to say but not yet......but i will say this.... thank you for being the most amazing guy ever, and remember these few things for me. " Sometimes you have to be mean& hurt someones feelings to help& save their hear. the truth hurts, but lies kill" Also " People say the truth hurts,  i think the lie trying to cover it up is worse". Brady don't let anyone tell you to stop listening, do what you feel is right. And i promise i will tell you everything soon..... i promise. #. 

Stick Around, The stories not over yet....... TO BE CONTINUED......

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