Chapter 5 " Valentines Day"

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# Oh Valentines Day you don't know how much you could have helped me, Instead you did't . #

Valentines Day was the worst day possible for me, because every year i would end up having no boyfriend to spend that special day with. But This year my class did a Bag- o -Valentine and let me tell you i thought it was the dumbest thing ever. but that year it all turned around just because of me looking into my bag and seeing a letter. I grabbed it and opened it, and began to read it. 


Ever Since i met you, you brought happiness into my life. Now i have Been trying to find the words to say all this time, but in real life none of them sound right and every-time i see you i just push my feelings aside and pretend they don't exist. But i Can't and i won't deny it anymore, I Could never say this out-loud but i have always wanted you to be my Valentine ever since the 2nd year of High School. Now i know that sounds Cheesy but its true...... I care for you and i will never stop. I hope you know that. Now i have thought this through and i am keeping myself Unknown.... That's because i want to see if you can discover who i am on your own. 

                                                                                  Sincerely...... Your Secret Valentine

I Started to freak out a little because i have never gotten a Valentine letter saying that someone actually likes me and is professing their love. I took a second to calm down then walked out of the classroom straight to my locker. I opened the letter again and read it behind my locker door. But this time i smiled when i read it, maybe because i was just realizing that a guy actually liked me for who i am. Just then Brady walked over and i quickly threw the letter in my locker.

Brady- Whats up? And what is that you threw into your locker?.

Abby- Oh that, its nothing.....

Brady- Abby....

Abby-  Oh alright, I got a Letter from a Secret Valentine.

Brady- That's great Abby. 

I was so Happy i did't know what else to say or do, so i just hugged him. Then Gabby walked over and i hugged her too. 

Gabby- Whats with you Girl? 

Abby- Oh Nothing

The bell rang and i went to class, but first i turned around to see if they were right behind me but they were't. They were talking i'm not sure what about but i just turned back around and went to class and let them talk.

Gabby- What's with Abby?

Brady-  She got a letter from a secret Valentine....

Gabby- No way, i bet i know who it is from.

Brady- What..... no ya don't.

After school i went to the secret garden to think, and clear my head. But when i got their i saw Brady and i heard him talking about something so i hid behind some bushes and listened. 

Brady- Gabby is right what if she finds out and does't like who it is, i mean come on Abby is such an amazing girl and she deserves someone who will treat her right.... Wait what i'm i saying i can treat her right. i mean i have been her friend for years whether she was here or not.  Besides she probably won't even know who it's from anyway.

After hearing all of that i just stood their trying to process everything i just heard. I mean Brady just said that he was the one that put the letter in my bag and also admitted that he likes me. A few seconds after that i heard footsteps behind me  so i turned around and chase walked over. 

Chase- You come here too?.

Abby- Me and my Friend do.

Chase- Oh cool, listen i'm sorry about yesterday.

Abby- It's Alright, you were confused.

Chase- No that's an excuse and it's not okay. Let me start over. 

Abby- Um.....

I did't know what to say at the time, i did't want to say no to him but i also did't want to avoid what Brady just said about the hole Letter and him liking me thing. After a minute and thinking i gave him my answer.

Abby- Sure

So we left to the cafe across the street and ordered a coffee and found a table to sit at. At first it was quiet but a few minutes later we started talking and eventually laughing. I started to forget what Brady had said at the secret garden a little bit ago, that is until he walked into the cafe. And for a moment i looked up and suddenly got a nervousness in my stomach. I don't know why but i did and when he looked at me and chase he walked over.

Brady- What's going on?. 

Chase- Well Well Well look who it is, you here to save the day again.

Brady- what's it to you Chase.

Abby- Brady what are you doing here?

Brady- I came in for some coffee then i saw you two, Abby you know i don't like him....

For some reason i did't care what he thought i really started to like this guy. And for the first time i yelled at Brady. 

Abby- You know what Brady why are you always in my business, i'm starting to think your just babying me and i hate it! why don't you leave me alone.

As i looked at him all i saw was sadness and pain i did't realize what i said until i did. And it was harsh even for him. he looked at me for a moment then said something. 

Brady- Ya know what Abby you do what you want, because i'm done trying to be here for you. So make your own choices but don't come crying to me when you fall apart because i might not listen. Oh and don't worry you won't hear from me so Bye.

After that he left, Part of me wanted to go after him but the other part was mad at him. I was so confused on what i should do. Instead i just sat their and enjoyed myself until it was time to go. Before we said goodbye he asked if we could do it again sometime and for the heck of it i said yes. About 2 weeks later you could say we were dating. I Noticed that Brady stayed true to his words he has't talked to me ever since the cafe incident.  I started to worry about him, so i went to Gabby and we talked. 

Abby- Hey have you heard from Brady?.

Gabby- Nope, he's been avoiding everyone lately.

At that point i knew what i said really hurt him, and i just felt horrible for everything.  Me and chase dated for about 2 months until he suddenly broke up with me over text. And i still don't know why, but i have recently been told somethings about him from a good friend of mine. But at the moment i just left things as they were and started to worry about Brady.

# I have decided to stop their for now, but stay around because there is more to this story. # 

TO BE CONTINUED..............

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