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"Aye bro mind yo fucking business."

"This is my business, Why you treating that girl like that Lamar! All them times you came to me venting about yall home. Why you leave her there?" Sasha yelled.

"Cause I wanna start my life, Not bout to keep dragging her around. Im sorry for shit going down like this but man, everything happens for a reason."I replied. 

 ¨This girl has gotten raped and traumatized, and all you care about is getting her back? What the fuck is you on? Whats yo goal? Let her be happy!"She was right. But thats my sister and I just want that bond with her again, I fucked up, drugs got to me.

Ökay, Ill leave her alone for now, but dammit, Im done fucking with Corahn tho that shit dead." Sasha looked at me calmly, as she kissed my forehead and made her way into the kids room.

Im so sorry Adri, I wish I can make it up to you.


Adrianna . 

Couple Weeks Later . . . . . . . 

I was in a high. I was in cloud 9. I was lost in love. This wasn't love, this was lust. I was some what happy. I finally let the crazy shit go, and Im moving on. 

"Sweat heart? You woke?"  Corahn voice boomed and i smiled.

"I know your up, come on princess, Im starving." I giggled.

"So you wanna play the quite game?" I stayed silent.

"You wasnt this silent last night when.." I cut him off and hopped out of bed, only to realize I was bare naked, out of reaction, I quickly covered myself.

"Mami, why you covering all that beauty? " Corahn said, as he sat his phone beside him, giving me his full attention.

"Im not covering it." I said softly.

"Then move your hands, I like to see you naked." He smirked,and shivers moved down my spine.

"You dont care about my scars?" I said softly again.

"I love them, dont call them scars though, I see them as beauty marks." I blushed and bent over and grabbed one of his over sized t-shirts and pulled it over my head.

"I love you Corahn." I said with a slight smile.

"I love you too ma." He stood up and took my hand, guiding me down stairs.


I was wearing some Adidas sweats, a white crop top , and some all white air forces. It was plain but cute. Me and Corahn was matching today, he was wearing the same thing but his was topped off with a chain , and he wore black jordans. We was fine.

I was sitting on the kitchen counter and he was tying his shoe up.

"So baby, you wanna drive today?" 

"I can Drive?" 

"Yeah, pick a set of keys shorty." He said, pointing to a wall where it was about 15 sets of keys. Like nigga who buys all these cars?

I read some of the tags until I was satisfied with the 2 seat  Mustang. I grabbed the keys and went towards the garage and he followed, the lights fluttered on and I pushed the button on the keys and the car alarmed. I was smiling like a kid in a candy store. 

I hopped in and Corahn got in the passenger seat. 

"Where we off to love?" I asked patiently. 

"Ummm, the gun range." He said.

"What the hell?" I asked.

"Ill explain later, lets go. And mami?" He asked.


"You got some rolled for Me?" He asked. 

I simply, pulled a blunt out of my bra. Recently, he been teaching me how to roll. And aint nothing wrong with it, everybody try a little weed here and there .

I handed him the blunt and he leaned his seat far back and sparked it. I pulled out of the garage and skirted off on the road.

I turned the radio up, playing Set it Off X Bryson Tiller. It was all good vibes, the car was soon filled with fumes and I was on the verge of being high.

"Here mami." He said, handing me the blunt as I drove with one hand.

I put the blunt to my lips and took a long drag, holding it in my mouth as I reached my high.

"Thats my girl." He smiled and I continued to drive, pulling up to the gun range.

We got out the car and made our way inside, I was making my way towards the front but Corahn pulled me towards a back door, yup this has to be a trap or a hide out.

"Corahn Maurice Brown! Where are we!?" I yelled.

"Chill Ma, Its a private gun session." He said as we stood in a empty black room with a table, 2 chairs and a center light.

We sat in the chairs and I looked lost as fuck, Corahn sat across from me.

"You trust Me?" He asked dryly.

"With my life." I assured him.

Corahn, silently pulled a gun from behind his back and layed it on the table. What in the fuck.

"Take it apart." He said in all seriousness. 

"How, I need a tool." I said, and he handed me a screw driver. 

"Why I gotta do this?" 

"Just do it ma, stop giving me all this talk." He said, he watched all my movements in deep thought.

I grabbed the gun, put it on safety, I removed the clip. After the clip I grabbed the screw driver and went to work, breaking the gun down piece by piece.

After about 20 minutes, the gun was in 100 different pieces. 

"Done." I smiled.

"Now, put it back together." Corahn got me fucked up.

"No!"I got annoyed.

"Just do the shit damn!" He yelled in anger.

"Dont fucking cuss at me !"

"Im sorry baby, just put it back together." He shook his head.

I started to put the gun together, when I finished, Corahn smiled.

"What was this for?" I asked, annoyed. He just blew my high.

"You a natural thug." He smiled and I just was lost as fuck.

Corahn . 

I decided to drive back from the gun range and get shawty some food. The reason I made her take the gun apart and put it back together is cause if she KNOW the gun, she wont be scared to FIRE that muhthafucka up to protect herself if im not around. Feel me?

Now, Im not making Adri do nothing, Im not making her stay with me, smoke weed, nothing she dont wanna do. Im just testing my limits with her, see how far she let me go. But the weed thing, she been tried that so that aint my fault.

Adri knew what she was getting herself into when she found out I sell drugs. Shit , baby Ima kingpin. She aint complaining bout the life we living. So we good. I love my baby to death and Im just teaching her these streets step by step. 

We pulled up to Mcdonalds, quickly ordered some food then we made our way home, thats where I seen Keem on the porch with tears rushing down his face. Only the worst things went through my head. 

Lord, what now?



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