Epilogue (:2:)

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"Baby, its not what you think, I promise." Corahn said simply said.

"So tell me what it is Corahn cause as of now this shit look like you cheating.." I responded as I threw the robe at him.

"You were gone for almost 3 years Adri-"

"Nigga okay! I was gone for a while! We all know that shit, now stop lying and keep it real, who was it?" I asked. I mean shit, I honestly dont care no more. I knew this shit was go happen but he can at least be real with me, and if he cant do that ima get my son and bounce.

"Some bitch, nobody to worry about." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Okay baby thats all you had to say." I smiled. He looked at me side ways.

"You sure?." 

"Yeah im sure, I just got out the jam I just wanna spend time with my son, can you run to City Dinner and bring me some chilli cheese fries and a lemonade and when you get back we can catch up on lost time." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Uh, yeah Ma' whatever for you, gimmie 10 minutes."  He explained and I peaked his lips softly and he gripped my ass.

"Alright." I said releasing him as he made his way out the bedroom.

I looked over at Cj who was sound asleep and I instantly started looking around the room for a phone. As I looked through each drawer, I spotted some old pictures of us, some of me sleeping, some from when we were at school by my locker, and some of him driving while I was in the passenger seat. I smiled at the pictures and wiped the light tears that fell.

I have to stay focused, If he thought I was just go come home from jail and live the life of a dumb bitch getting cheated on, he thought the fuck wrong. 

Yes, we have a baby. Yeah I know he love me, but what would you do in this situation. Its better to get out while you can. While in prison , I wanted to come home and be happy with my son. Not be up under a lying nigga. 

I noticed one of his old beeper (track) phones and I quickly grabbed it and dialed the number I always knew by heart. Jay.

Jay wrote me everyday while I was locked up. She also even came and seen me. She was my own therapist. She kept me on my toes. "Hello." She said.

"Aye, Jordan. Its Adri." I said with happiness in my voice.

"Omg! You did get out today, wassup love?." She asked.

"I need you to come get me and Cj, Im leaving Corahn." I said.

"Whattttt! Im on my way now, give me 5 minutes be at the door girl"

"Okay thanks boo.." I said, ending the call and looking in the closet trying to find a car seat for Cj. I eventually gave up and grabbed his diaper bag and stuffed it with more of his needs and clothes. I put it over my chest and scooped him out of his crib and wrapped a cover around him as I carefully walked down the stairs. 

My thoughts were flying everywhere. I been through so much in this life im living, from the death of my momma, being raped by Ken, going on a love roller-coaster with Corahn, and facing years in prison. I never really had a "peaceful life." But now im 18 years old with a baby, I gotta be on some grown shit now. I gotta get myself together and go back to that savage bitch I was when Corahn was on his death bed. I gotta be alone so I can love myself.

I walked out the front door and got in Jays car with Cj sleep on my chest. I uncovered his face as his light snores was heard. Looking like his damn daddy.

"My baby Adri!" Jay cheered as she pulled off.

"Hey Jay I missed you so damn much!"

"Girl I miss you too, tell me whats going on with the power couple!" She said and I nodded, telling her everything that went down between me and Corahn from when I first got released to now. 


"He really wrong for that, I mean he couldve just kept it real witchu, I mean this nigga was the biggest threat in Flint and now look at his ass, lying! For What! That Mf never lied! I dont know if it was to protect yo feelings or what! But he is wrong for that shit and I Understand that 100%." Jay explained. I nodded in agreement.

"Girl I already know thats why I got my damn baby, Im bout to get all my savings, the money from my momma will and start my damn life. I dont have time, Im 18 with a baby, no college. I dont want this for my son. I gotta start now, I cant get out of jail and lay up under a no good of a nigga, That aint the kind of bitch I am. Right now Ima just get a nice ass hotel for a week and buy a furnished condo and start doing me." I explained.

"That sounds like a plan mamas. You dont wanna stay with me and Keem?" She asked.

"You and I both know Corahn, He gone find me. I Just rather it take him a little longer to accomplish that. So I rather duck off alone." I explained. 

"I understand that, But first me, you, and my god baby are going to grab something to eat before you start your official new life." Jay smiled at me and I kissed Cj forehead. Here is to New Beginnings. 



a/n: PSA! Im Really thinking should I just make another book or continue uploading Epilouges, let me know!


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