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I don't need Corahn, but I do want him. But If he feels that way...so be it. Im used to being unwanted and it can go back to us hating eachother. 

I got out the car with Corahn and he tried to apologize the whole way to my house but nah im straight. I went inside the house, using my key and my mom was standing there as if she was waiting for me.

"Hey, ma." I said shyly.

"Where the fuck you been?" She raised her voice. I was took back a little. She looked like she havent sleep in 3 days. She had bags under her eyes and her hair was all over her head. She was officially a crack head. But she is my mother.   

"Jay house." 

"Dont fucking lie to me bitch!" She walked closer to me.

"Im not lying!" I yelled back and she back hand me in the mouth, making me cry a little.

"Stupid bitch! Who told you to go there huh?! Not me , im your mother and your gonna respect me!" She yelled and tears flowed.

"Fuck you bitch." I said as I took flight upstairs. She began to chase me but I got the upper hand, ran in my room and locked my door.

"Open the fucking door ADRIANNA!" She banged and banged. 

This is what god has given me. I don't know what to do. I got a druggie mom, a dead father, a unfair brother, and feelings for a selfish guy.

My mother continued to bang and bang on the door calling me out my name. "You stupid bitch! I fucking hate you!" I cried harder and harder, why does she hate me so much! I didn't do anything.

I eventually cried myself to sleep. 

I hate my life.



I was pissed! Not at Adri...more at myself. I seem to always run people I care for away...I don't know what Ima do. Im not good with shit like this man.

I pulled up to my parents house and hopped out, most likely my dad not go be here due to work. I was wearing some washed up True Religion jeans and a white shirt with some Cherry 12s.

"Ma!" I yelled.

"Yeah." She called back and I followed her voice into the kitchen.

"Boy where you been? Havent seen you in weeks." She looked at me with a glare. I smiled. 

"Sorry ma, been busy." I shrugged.

"Tell me, whats been up?" She lead me into the living room.

"Okay so me and Adri been taking it slow for a while now and she got issues at home. Her momma a druggie that got a pervert in the house and then her brother in the game with me. The problem with that is that she scared of me now." I explained.

"Wow, she really is going through alot...You think you can handle that? And why she scared of you?You beat her?" She asked and I looked at her weird. 

"What Ma? I'd never put my hands on a woman. Come on na'. And she scared of me because of my job." I shrugged.

"Im liking this Adri already. I don't like ya job either son." She nodded.

"Well I do, Ima quit the game when im ready but as of now ima keep doing what I do best." 

"See thats your problem. All your care about is if you good. Im your mother and I don't want you in it, now the girl your getting involved with dont want you in it...Its a sign son. Its the ones you love or the game." She was right. But man Im young I like the money. Ion wanna go broke. Ima just agree with her and keep doing what I want. This is my life.

"Alright Ma, good lookin." She smiled and I hugged her. 

"Mhm, and bring Adri over next time , thank you." She ordered and I nodded and headed out. 

'Flip Work , Count Stacks, Flip Work Count Stacks..Spinning pros...get it back.!' -Bandgang Biggz.

I blasted Bandgang through the speaker of my car, making my way to Adri house to apologize. I pulled up and there were no cars there. Not even Lamar's.

I got out and walked to the porch. I knocked on the door. No answer. 

Knocked again, No answer. I started to call Adri phone..No answer.

Thats when I got pissed and just turned the knob. It opened. Why would she just have the door opened?

I shook my head "Adri!" I yelled and she didn't call back. Thats when I heard a big glass fall from upstairs. 

I ran up the stairs and up to Adri's room. "Adri! You okay!?" I asked.

"C-corahn! Help me!" She yelled and the blood in my body boiled. I turned the knob to the door and it was locked. I pulled my pistol out from my hip and shot the door knob, breaking it .

I opened the door and...



What did he see?

Cliff hanger ! 

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