Chapter Twenty-Two

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Jane sat in the pew of the small Baptist church, attired in her Armani suit and feeling overdressed. The Marvel brothers had on jeans and flannel, while Cadence paired jeans with a burgundy turtleneck. Genevieve and Dona, however, wore dressy slacks with blazers. I'm dressed like the old ladies.

She glanced around, noting the aged wooden pews upholstered with new cushions; green stained glass windows, some with cracks; homemade Christmas-themed banners hanging on the white plaster walls, and a Christmas tree flanked by American and Christian flags. The congregants were a homogeneous mixture of white middle-aged couples and elderly widows. That is, until a large contingency of young Asian families trickled in, interspersing among the welcoming parishioners. Jane was trying to reconcile this when the female pastor took the podium. This isn't what I expected for a small-town church.

After the pastor made announcements, everyone stood to mingle in the center aisle, shaking hands and giving hugs. Genevieve greeted the Marvel brothers and Jane while Dona once again focused in on Danny's long hair. Prett shook Cadence's hand, asking her, "Shouldn't you be home cooking?"

She smirked. "Why? You don't want peanut butter and jelly?"

"White bread or wheat?"

"Wheat." Prett made a sound of mock disgust and pushed past his brothers to get to the center aisle. Cadence smiled at Jane. "Don't worry, I have a roast in the slow cooker. You're coming, aren't you? I'm a little nervous about this lawyer."

"You'll do fine. I can help. You know, stir gravy or whatever." This made Cadence grin.

"How are you getting on with them?" Cadence asked as jerked her head towards the brothers.

"Fine. Do Val and Prett always manipulate each other into doing what the other wants?"

Cadence expressed surprise. "Manipulate? Why would you think that?"

"Prett calls Val, 'The Master Manipulator.' "

"Val?" Cadence said with a laugh. "Prett's teasing you. Val's a sweetheart. Wouldn't hurt a fly."

He would a spider. Prett got Jane's attention and introduced her to a succession of people. She recognized the Asian woman with the three daughters Val had drawn as Disney princesses. The organ music started, and they took their seats for the remainder of the service.

Jane enjoyed singing Christmas carols and listened with pleasure at the Asian people's presentation of two songs in their native language. Prett and his brothers clapped heartedly after each performance.

After the service, Genevieve bustled out the door while Cadence guided Dona out. A middle-aged woman near the front of the sanctuary captured Prett's attention. Slightly overweight, with highlighted brown hair and an attractive face, she wore glasses, and a festive red sweater over jeans. Again with the jeans. I'm asking for a dress code next time I attend a church.

"Well!" the woman exclaimed with a brilliant smile. "And how are the Marvelous Brothers this morning?"

"Doin' well, Miss Jill," Prett said. "And yeself?"

Jill laughed. "And that's why I dragged myself here this morning–to hear a little Karen music and some good ole' mountain talk." She turned to Jane and smiled. "Hi, you must be Jane. I'd shake hands, but my family's all been losing the fight against the flu this week."

"Forgot my manners," Prett interjected. He introduced Jane. "This is Jill Marquis."

"Oh! The one with the fireplace mantel."

Prett shifted with discomfort at the mention, causing Jill to grin. "A sore subject, that. P.J. here will never forgive me."

"You need to let me replace it," Prett muttered.

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