Act II, Scene I

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~The nurse walks to Friar Lawrence's chamber for confession~

Nurse: Good morrow to you, sir Friar. I am hither to maketh confession... For I has't sinned..

Friar: He looks around, takes her into his chamber, and shuts the door. Grabbing her waist, he pulls her into him close. Don't confess before you've finished sinning, my love!

Nurse: O Friar!

~Friar pulls Nurse as close to him as he can and kisses her lips, slowly and with passion.~

Friar: O nurse... what soft lips thou has't! He kisses her again

Nurse: Holy alas! Thee as well!

~Friar quickly cleans off a spot on his counter and picks up Nurse, sitting her onto the counter~

Friar: Doth thee wanteth to lay with? Thee art too quite quaint not to!

Nurse: Well... I has't not done that in a long time but I am very much in the humor thee fair angel

Friar: That's jump what I wanted to heareth! I am going to maketh sweet, sweet love to thee. Oh lord I needeth thy body like a baby needeth milk! Strip for me, princess! Taketh thy robes off!

~Nurse removes all her clothes and whips her luscious locks of hair. Sexily whipping it back and forth. Friar, excited and almost completely nude as well except for his homemade underwear made of wool. He jumps onto her and she giggles~

Nurse: Alloweth me see thy fiery shaft, then alloweth me feeleth it

~She takes off his wool underwear for him~

Friar: Lest I going to maketh love to thee so hard that thee won't beest able to walketh!

Nurse: Oh yes, Friar! Putteth thy fiery shaft in me harder mine sir, oh yes that doth feel valorous

~They continue to make love~

Nurse: I has't not hath felt that right in years, ever since mine husband hath kicked the bucket... A lovely sir! But no fiery shaft as righteous as yours...

Friar: Kissing all over her neck. Is that right? How about thee maketh thy way back to mine chamber for confession... ay... tomorrow?

Nurse: How could I refuse? We only liveth so long, see thee then. But first, lest I parched. Doth thou has't anything to drinketh, love? 

Friar: (distracted) Ay yes, just drinketh that vial, nothing but a little water. He points vaguely towards his array of vials

Nurse: Grant you mercy! She drinks a vial, but not water. This was one of his strongest elixirs, but nobody realized...

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