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It was 1989, and gems that came from the kindergarten were being poofed, and put on ships. A space pod came crashing through and charged through a giant ruby, making them unfuse. The ship landed, and 3 figures came out of it. A slim gray one used her gauntlets to fight other gems. A muscular red one made a sword appear out of nowhere, and charged. A swift blue figure floated into the air with a hammer. The red one spoke. "Moonstone, Black Opal look!" He said pointing at a conveyor belt with poofed gems sliding onto a ship. "Maybe we can save them!" Black Opal said. "That wasn't our mission!" Moonstone said while swinging his hammer at the tall gems. "What good would they be, there's too many!" Red Citrine called. "Well if we turned them on our side, they won't be against us!" Black Opal argued. "Ugh, just take two it will be better than just 5, I mean 4 of us!" Red Citrine replied. Moonstone grunted. Black Opal took an orange circular gem, and a yellow triangular gem. "They took a Topaz and a Yellow Peridot!" A Ruby yelled. Moonstone entered one of the ships to get what they came for. After a bit more fighting, Moonstone came out. "Didn't get it, only info about it. I did get something else though" He said, holding up a shiny green weapon. Black Opal carried the 2 gems onto the pod, the Moonstone and Red Citrine followed. Moonstone flew the pod back into space. Red Citrine bubbled the 2 gems. "We'll keep them like this for now." He said. Moonstone landed back into the giant hand ship they stole from a colony. A green calm character was waiting for them. "Were back." Black Opal said. "Uranium, we rescued 2 gems from the kindergarten." Red Citrine said. "I guess we could use new team members" Uranium replied. Moonstone turned off the pod, and walked out. "I got you a present." Moonstone said handing him the green small weapon. "You got me a disabiliser?!" Uranium said. "We better get out of here, those other gems could be flying after us any minute now!" Red Citrine blurted. Uranium rushed to the pilot seat, and flew away from earth at high speed.

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