A Mating Mark aka Chapter 8

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My mate is dead

Bailey's dead


Grayson's POV

I stood there stunned, not hearing the commotion that was happening around me. I was focused on my mates lifeless body laying on the gurney. Her chest still and the color from her cheeks was gone.

I felt something in me being ripped out.

I was stunned, she cant be gone not my mate.

They say everyone goes through 5 stages of grief






I did not feel anything except pain spreading throughout my body like a scratch that I could not itch.

A fire I could not douse.

Lungs with no oxygen.

I am suffocating.

Bailey's gone and she is never coming back.

So many emotions were rushing throughout my body and I was accepting what was happening. Then she woke up.


Bailey's POV

I was confused.

I was very confused and warm, really really warm. I was sitting criss-cross style and I was sweating, like a fire was surrounding me.

Everything was a blurry grey, voices shouting in my ear were causing a massive headache. I wanted them to stop, I just wanted the peace and quiet I had hoped for.

Then something happened. I was drowning, and an ocean was pouring in around me one I couldn't escape. My muscles were lead, pain ricocheted through my body. I tried to crawl away, but the ocean kept coming and then I was drowning. I couldn't breathe or move, I was just sinking further and further into the darkness.

Then a voice called out to me in the darkness as I was sinking.

It started out as a whisper then grew louder and louder like a hurricane. The voice was shouting my name.

It was Grayson.

I clawed at the water trying to swim, and fight the numbness spreading throughout my body. This primal need overcame the pain, I had to get to him because he needed me.

But I kept sinking further and further down, this was not peaceful.

I had to escape and find Grayson, I have to reach him.

Then my body was flung forward with crashing pain. It was like a giant hand had grabbed me and I was flying upwards. My chest was burning and my whole body was aching. I felt my ribs cracking under the weight and then the pressure was gone.

Relief spread throughout my body as light flooded into my vision burning my eyes. Pounding in my head began, keeping my eyes squeezed shut, but I heard their voices and I knew I was alive.

The pain came rushing back and my eyes began to shut.

My heart kept beating through my ears like drums as memories came back to haunt me.


Grayson's POV

I heard her heart before they did. It was barely audible the way a sink drips when just turned off. My own heart started to race and the pain in my chest vanished leaving the breath out of me. I ran to her gurney ignoring the doctors who were yelling at me to move. I knew I should but I couldn't, she was alive not dead. I grabbed her chin in my hands and kissed her forehead, she was alive.

Doctors started to yell and the pain came back, no no no she was leaving me again.

I started to frantically yell her name over and over again while the doctors tried to restart her heart, but they were failing. No , I was not going to lose her, not going to let her leave me ever again.

Doctors pushed medicine in her veins, the foul smell overtaking her sweet rose scent. I could not let this happen. My chest began to burn.

What could I do.

Come on, think think Grayson.

Then Oliver's voice rang in my head, "Mark her, it will restart her heart, but hurry they are losing her."

My heart started to race, I knew she did not know me well or trust me at all, but I could not lose her. I shoved the doctors out of my way and lifted her to my chest. I began to press kisses all down her neck trying to find the spot. I was right above her collar bone and when I kissed her, her heart raced a little.

My fangs extended and I bit down into her neck, I felt her emotions rush through me. I could feel her heart start to rush, beating wildly through her shirt into my chest.

Pain, anger and relief flooded through me like a tsunami.

The doctors stopped yelling , and a few minutes later they whispered in my ear that she was stable.

But I ignored them, and just held onto Bailey because I was never letting her go again.


Thank you guys for reading I will be updating much more because I am on summer vacation. This was my first time writing on my laptop by the way. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote and comment.

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