A Life-Line in the Dark aka Chapter 11

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- I have one question for you guys, do you like Grayson's or Bailey's POV better? Also I am making another boyxboy book, and I was wondering how many of you guys would read it. Just let me know!

-Enjoy bookworms!

" She was a little sun-burnt,

By the glare of life. "

Ib. IV. l. 1140


Grayson's POV

I watched and waited while she slept in my arms for hours, it was worth it to just sit there and hold her while she got some real sleep. Sleep that wasn't filled with the demons in her life or painful memories. I desperately wanted to know what had happened in her past life, that was so cruel and harsh, for me to almost lose her. I wanted to take all her fears away and make sure they never haunted her again. I just wanted to make sure that, from now on the she would always be okay.

And to tell you the truth, I'm terrified.

Bailey's POV

I was clueless as what to do next. I told him about my brother, I was trusting him and I know that I was going to get hurt in the end. However, after all these things hidden inside and the suffocating weight of it all. It was an absolute relief to erase a pound, of that load.

I couldn't tell him everything yet, I was not ready to tell him about my past nightmares. I could tell him about Callum though, he deserved that much. No matter how long I kept this all in my mind, I knew it was going to eventually pour out like a hurricane.

I was perfectly content just listening to his breathing, spreading from his chest into my ears. I could hear the murmur of a cooking show, playing in the background. I wanted things to be quiet like this, nothing bothering us forever. My body decided to reject that thought when it decided, I had to use the bathroom right then. I slowly started to stir and when I finally opened my eyes, Grayson was smiling down at me with a little blush, at the tips of his ears. He was embarrassed being caught watching me sleep, but it didn't bother me.

"Are you alright? " He sleepily said. I just nodded and slowly headed to the bathroom, when he let go of his hold on me. When I was done I took a glance at the looming mirror in front of me. That's when I noticed that the bags under my eyes were beginning to disappear and my cheeks were becoming pinker. However, what caught my eye was the black sticking out at the base of my neck.

It was a mating mark, he marked me.

Pieces had been coming slowly back to me from when I was rushed into the hospital after the accident. But now the emotions were hitting me full force, painfully rushing through my head. I grabbed the edge of the counter to steady myself from falling. I could feel the fear from Grayson radiating through me, his complete helplessness. I could see him screaming at me to wake up, how I couldn't leave him yet. Him standing there frozen as the doctor pushed needles into my neck. To the part of his wolf beginning to be ripped from his chest, how he had to think of anything to save me from my own pit of darkness.

Then I could feel the teeth, piercing their way through the layers of my skin.

Grayson's POV

I was worried, she had been in there for too long. I quickly made it to the bathroom door and opened it. She was hunched over the counter, gripping the sides with white knuckles. She was staring straight at my mark with tears flowing down her cheeks.

I didn't want her to find out this way, I was just about to tell her when she came out of the restroom. Spill everything out to her that happened, from here to the hospital. Some may call me selfish, but I could not lose another person, when I could've done something this time. I had to act, I couldn't let her die, when I knew she would become happier than anyone has ever been. I stood there like a dumbass not knowing what to do, I knew she really didn't know or trust me.

But by the look on her face, I knew that she didn't want it.

Bailey's POV

I saw the hurt flash across his face when he saw me, I could feel it rush through me. I wanted to be his mate and my wolf was prancing with joy. But I didn't deserve him, I had too many memories trailing behind me and it was only a matter of time before he was caught up in my past. Before he was dragged down with me.

He didn't deserve this, I should of left when I had the chance but now I have trapped another person with me. He looked at me with pain across his face. " You don't want me as your mate, do you Bailey?" he said quietly. I flinched as my wolf felt a stabbing pain race through us. He thought I didn't want him, but the truth is I want him more than anything.

I looked at him, he was having a battle with himself. I glanced at the mark, claiming that I was his, and my breath caught in my throat. It is was beautiful, like him. He was staring at me and I could feel him questioning himself, but he shouldn't' be.

"Bailey....?" he stammered. I looked at him and smiled.

"G-Grayson, I want you more than anything to be my mate, and to share a life with you. But my past haunts me and I don't want you trapped in my nightmare," I said hoarsely while fidgeting with my fingers. I didn't meet his eyes, but I could feel the shock and relief through the bond.

He slowly walked over to me and pulled me to his chest. He silently leaned down to my ear, and quietly whispered, "I want to get trapped in your nightmares, Bailey. I want to find you in them, and lead you out of the darkness."


I really need to find myself a Grayson.

Till next chapter bookworms.......

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