Bastards & Panic Attacks aka Chapter 4

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Oliver's POV

How dare they!


How dare they do that to our mate, whoever did this I'm going to tear them limb from limb and drown them in silver.

All I could see was red, I wanted to kill, I needed to kill someone.

I burst through my mates room running down the hallway, roars escaped my chest so loud they were making my chest hurt.

I ripped the front door off its hinges and barreled straight towards the forest, scaring my whole pack as I roar and run into the woods.

No one was ever going to touch my mate again.

It anyone even looks at her the wrong way I won't hesitate to snap their neck right there.

She's mine and no one is ever going to hurt her again.

She's Mine.


Bailey's POV:

When I woke up in the hospital room I was alone and I was relieved. The people here were intimidating and reminded me too much of home. I needed to get away from this place before they decide to start beating me as well.

All of a sudden a man walks into the room, the one that chased me and ordered me to shift.
His power made me start to shake, I didn't want to be here. I wanted to escape, Jinx couldn't take anymore abuse and neither could I.
I really am tired of fighting, tired of all this pain, I just want to give up.

The man watches me with a hard gaze making me more nervous and scared than I already am. He clears his throat about ready to talk but before he can, I hear a roar from outside, making me shriek.

I didn't want to be here in this place with all of these strange intimidating people. The man's gaze drifts to all the machines around me. His gaze hardens and I'm terrified, he starts walking closer to me making my breathing speed up and my heart pace quicken.

He looks at the heart monitor and back at me, and his hard look softens. But I'm not going to trust him, he is still intimidating and he is going to hurt me, everyone ends up hurting me. You think you can trust someone but you can't.

He continues to step closer causing me to start panting rapidly, and my eyes start to become more blurry by the second.

I look up at the man and he looks shocked, he lunges next to the bed causing me to scream at the top of my lungs as he is standing right over me, rapidly pressing a button next to my bed.

He turns around to me, and my breathing is so fast my oxygen feels like it's being cut off, I start to claw at my neck trying to get air to breathe.

"Please, please calm down, I'm sorry for scaring you, but I was trying to get the nurses button." He says glancing at the door then back at me.

His words only make my breathing worsen, he looks worried as he starts to rush out of the room, his face looks panicked. He reaches to open the door but is thrown back against the wall crashing into the stone causing me to shriek and grasp my neck, my hands now bleeding from scratching my throat.
Red dots start to blot my vision as I see nurses and doctors rushing in, trying to help me but their actions cause me to flinch.
I hear a loud growl erupt from the back of the room. I start thrashing clawing at my neck, I need air!
My lung are clenching and squeezing.
It hurts so much the pain, tears fall out of my eyes soaking the sheets beneath me. I can't take this anymore, but soon it will all be over the pain and the abuse, and then I will be free.

I felt something sharp prick me in the neck, and air rushes into my lungs. I gasp and my chest heaves trying to get back the air that I desperately need.
My whole body shakes, as air circulates in and out of my lungs.
My vision starts to clear up and my breathing slows down to normal. The tears don't stop, I was almost free, but I am pulled back into life, a life that I don't want to have.

I wipe the tears out of my eyes and don't look up, if I look into their eyes it's disrespectful and I will just get beaten, but I don't think any thing was as painful as what I just went through​. My throat is burning and my neck is raw and sore.
I hear a door shut, I take a quick glance and see everyone is gone except one nurse, she is looking at me with worried eyes.
She walk over to me slowly, I should be terrified but I'm not, she doesn't look like she's going to hurt me, she looks genuinely worried.

"Are you alright dear, you scared us quite a bit."
She said while looking at me with a small smile.

I just nodded my head to worried about the pain I will be in if I even attempt to talk.

"Deary I need to bandage your wounds, you injured your neck quite badly may I do that for you."
She sweetly says.

I nodded.
I feel like I can trust her not to hurt me but I've been wrong before.

She walks over to me slowly and puts on a pair of blue gloves, she puts some type of ointment on my neck and it soothes the burning of the raw skin. Then she very carefully wraps gauze around my neck and then does the same with my fingers.
Once she's done she hands me a glass of water which I greedily gulp down and she just watches me with a smile on her face.

"Now deary get some rest that panic attack took a lot outta you, I will be back when you wake up." She said softly while leaving my room.

I laid down as I realised how exhausted I really was, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep listening to the beeping of the heart monitor.

That was an eventful chapter,don't ya think.
Sorry for a really late update I had finals and end of years things to take care of.
I don't know if this book is good or not.

Quote of the chapter: The cave your fear to enter, holds the treasures you seek. - Joseph Campbell

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