Acceptance & A Dormant Wolf aka Chapter 16

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Sorry for the late update.

Hope you enjoy!

Bailey's POV

I reluctantly awakened to the sound of cabinets being closed and water quickly being shut off, from with in the bathroom. Grayson was no where to be found, assuming he was the cause of the noises. I had to know how he felt from the night before, everything that had happened, everything I told him. I needed to know how his wolf felt, if they both still cared for me even after knowing the tarnished memories from my past.

My mind was still a jumble after seeing Grayson in that situation, I had no idea what to say to him, after seeing firsthand the anguish his wolf went through, knowing what my pack had put me through and being helpless. I could still see the torture that went through his wolf's face, at being helpless to fight a past threat. My thoughts soon dissipated as Grayson opened the door, allowing steam to spill into the room, from the shower. He looked at me with so many emotions I couldn't understand, filtering throughout his deep eyes. I could see the anxiety he was feeling through the fidgeting of his fingers and smell of uncertainty that pierced throughout the air. I had never seen him like this, only the caring wolf that found me in those woods. He was scared of what I thought of him, now that I had seen his wolf lose so much control.

Grayson's POV

With the marking bond only telling me so much, I couldn't know how she was feeling about last night. I only wanted for her to so badly have a good past, to protect her and finally let her have some peace in her life. I only hoped she still wanted to have new memories with me. I glanced at her delicate cheeks, noticing the way the sun danced across her eyes, filtering in from the half-drawn blinds. Noticing the way the cuts adorned her cheek, and how they didn't belong there.

All just more created pain, and bad memories caused by my devil of a wolf.

I had to control him better, I had to learn to tame him.

"Bailey, I'm so sorry for last night, for losing control. For causing you more pain, when you deserve peace. I'm sorry I can't control my wolf," I stated with a slight wobbling to my voice, nervous to hear her answer. She glanced at me with her big eyes and slightly smiled, "Grayson I'm not scared of you or your wolf, you just showed me how much you care. I'm still scared of things that haunt me, but I'm not scared of you Gray-y. Your the only one who has made me feel safe in years," she whispered while untangling from the covers and making her way over to me. I felt relief flush through me like a tidal wave, as she approached and I brought her into my chest. Embracing the feeling of her acceptance, and the sweetness of her scent. Oliver whimpered in our head at knowing that we still had our mate, that she way accepting of him. "Goddess, your a miracle Bailey........I'm so lucky to of found you," I mumbled under my breath while tracing different patterns on her back. She was so much more than perfect, much more than anything I had ever envisioned in a mate. She had overcome so much too survive, and open up about her previous life. She had so much resilience burning throughout her body and she didn't even know. I wanted no more barriers between us, I needed us to have a future, and for her to know me more than anyone else.

I needed her to know about my wolf, and how little control I had over him. "Bailey, my wolf Oliver was in control last night and I'm sorry if he frightened you. I have never been able to fully control all parts of him, my whole life. My father has tried to teach me my whole childhood. I always think that I have this-him under control. Though every situation after situation I face, he always proves me wrong and how much control we both do and don't share," I quietly admitted to her.
She listened intently, taking in every word that I was speaking.. "Gray, it's alright. I accept your wolf and you. I accept you both for who are, and each and every fault or perfection. He is just as much a part of you as you are of him, and I'd rather it not be any other way, ever." She marveled, while tucking her forehead into my collarbone, and allowing for me to hold her.

Bailey's POV

Something was changing, I could feel barriers crumbling down around me as he held me, trying to find comfort. In that moment I felt the safest I had ever felt in my life, just standing there in his embrace, with no monsters trailing behind me. I could see the relief flooding throughout me and from my wolf, as something broke down within my mind finally letting him in.

I was so tired of being scared to have a mate, a future with him. Yes, I was still scared of my past, my pack and my parents, but they weren't a threat to me now. I had escaped from them. I was finally free, free to have something besides pain and nightmares. That freedom had terrified me more than anything, but it was not enough to stop me from accepting him anymore.

It wasn't enough to stop me from having my life with him.


Callum Ace's POV

I stared at the soft cloth surrounding my hands, listening to the murmuring of the Doctor talking to my mate. I had not experienced that terrible of a flashback in a long time.
It was Bailey and all the possibilities of finding her. I was terrified at the thought of not finding her. We had not heard anything from the council for days,  and I was becoming more depressed at the thought of not knowing what happened to her or them.

My mind keeps replaying, over and over, how she must of felt running away from those hunters. What she must of been thinking all these years, growing up without me there for her. Having to experience high school without my help, not being able to go hunt or run with someone. Wondering what her and our parents must of gone through, having a funeral without ever knowing. In the end, I don't know if actually knowing the truth or not, is better or worse.

My thoughts dissipated as hands clapped softly in front of my face, making me jump. Wilder looked down at me with concern filling his honey-amber eyes... he was so beautiful. I shook my head finally acknowledging what was occurring within the room... I was always drifting off. "The burns should be healed within a couple of days, not very severe as they first looked," Doctor Holt rambled on, as Wilder listened intently. The shock was what had hurt the most, in the moment. After looking at my burns they were not as bad, as others I've suffered through before.

The Doc cleared his throat, gaining both of our attentions. Full well knowing that my mind was a drifting one. He shuffled some papers around before continuing on with his speech," However there is some good news about your previous conditions......" This perked both Wilder's and mine's interest, wondering what was going well. Ever since the thought of finding Bailey it seemed only that things, mentally,  had been sliding backwards again, and Wilder was growing more worried each day.

"Go on..." Wilder urged impatient to know what was happening with his mate. Doctor Holt only smiled at Wilder, knowing how protective my mate could be.  "Well, Call-uhm-Ace there are many significant and increasing signs, that your wolf may be returning to you. Signs that something has stirred your wolf again, and is calling it forward..."   Wilder gripped my waist, as soon as the news left the doctors mouth. We never knew what would or had happened to my wolf, and everyday we lived with the possibility that I might never know that side of myself again. That Wild might never know that side of me, our wolves would never know each other. I'd never be able to mark him and share that deep bond that all other mates share. My eyes began burning with tears as realization dawned upon me, I might finally be whole again. I might find Bailey, and that other part of myself I deeply missed. No more excruciating pains of never being able to run with my mate, and soothe his wolf, no more sitting out and watching others lives go by... no more missing pieces of myself.

Thumbs gently wiped the racing tears away from my red cheeks, and a kiss was applied to my forehead. Though my mind was focused on the future, focused on earning back my wolf and finding the missing pieces, more than ever now. I was now only more determined than I had ever been to find them, my parents, my pack, and my sister.

To finally find all the lost parts of my past, after being trapped in those dark tunnels for so long.


Hey sorry for another really late and shitty update!
But these medical issues have taken awhile to sort out and get used too.

Anyways, vote or comment! Whatever floats you boat..

Until next chapter bookworms....

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