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Boring, Oikawa thought This summer will be utterly boring that he'll die and his lovely fans will die as well of sheer pain and the agony of loneliness.

He grumbled, and fixed his shirt and tied his cyan-blue jacket on his waist. He got out of the car, slammed the door shut and ran a hand through his dark, chocolate brown locks with a frown.

This summer will be boring. He decided. This summer will be the first, and last summer he'll be spending time without Volleyball.

He'll make it sure that this, will be the last summer he'll ever has and hopefully, looking at a modern and boring looking white-blue house with only few neighbors, he'll forget everything about this and go back to Volleyball as soon as he can.

"Hana-chan?" His mother, a woman who never was surprised by anything, looked stunned and frozen at the sight of a short, bobbed blacked haired woman with long bangs framing the sides of her face.


His mother looked stunned and after a moment, glowed in happiness with the brightest smile he has ever seen in his life. His father who had been nervous and anxious- never was he again going to have his father drive. Never again.- looked at the sight with a soft smile with a hint of regret and an emotion he could not understant in his father's eyes.

A moment later, the next thing he knew was his mother tackling the woman to the ground and nuzzling her face to hers with a bright smile.

"Terumi, please get up from Hana-san." His father said with a sigh,

"Oh shut up Takuma! It's been a long time since I've seen Hana-chan and look, she's happy!"

"Of course I am! I missed Terumi-chan too! Would you like to join us, Takuma-kun?"

His father blanched and paled before shaking his head "No, I don't want to join thank you very much. And my concern is not you or Terumi. I'm afraid your going to break Tooru here."

"Oh?" The both women looked st each other and to him, before at each other and the both of them bursted into giggles while they sat up.

Oikawa who was feeling numb with shock, confusion and worry over the fact his Witch of a Mother can smile like that, and reacted like an angel who reunited with her true love with that woman besides father, and the fact the woman was tackled by her mother and responded with a smile slapped his face.

His father just shrugged of the scene as if used and the women just laughed from something he couldn't understand.

This was it. No matter who and what age and how many of them he dated and spent time with,

Women were troublesome. Now I want to play a volleyball- a pen flew and nicked his cheek, and landed on a tree with a loud thud like a dart would land.

His mother stood up, and helped the woman named 'Hana' with a smile before turning to him with a gglare

"I said No. Volleyball." She hissed,

"I didn't!"

"Liar, you little-" Oikawa sighed in relief as his father came to his rescue "Terumi, behave. And It's been a while, Hana-san."

The woman smiled at his father "Hello Takuma, it's been a while indeed." His father twitched but didn't budge "Hana-san, I would like you to meet my son Oikawa Tooru" Takuma turned to his son with a blank facr "Tooru, this is Shimizu Hana-san, your mother's childhood friend-"

"And soulmate!"

Oikawa stared.


His father sighed, and this time out of exasperation mixed in annoyance "Don't mind those two women, son. The both of them are the same." Takuma stressed, and at first, his son didn't get it but once he saw his Mother and the woman smiling like that...

Oikawa paled.

"Araa, Isn't your son a bit handsome, Terumi-chan." The woman walked up to him and started squishing his cheek "A-ano..." "Well mannered, and very handsome. And," the woman grinned "So cute. Like a puppy!"

Oikawa stared at the woman before exclaiming "Eeeehh?! A puppy?!"

"Why?" She looked confused why he had a dumbfounded and bewildered face "Isn't it a perfect way to describe you?"

"No!" He yelled and took her hands off his face and started rubbing his cheeks, Oww, with an angry pout.

"Awww," she cooed at him "So cute! Like an angry, little puppy! Would you like a snack, Puppy?"

He flushed in embarrassment and irritation "No!" He yelled "Go away! Don't come near me!"

"Terumi-chan," she turned to his mother who was smirking at him, amused. "Doesn't Puppy fit him?"

"Of course, Hana-chan." His mother agreed smoothly, "Puppy is the best way to describe my adorable, little, disobeying and naughty son. So cute but so bad."

He flushed in a deeper shade of red, now feeling so humiliated and angry and again, definitely humiliated.

"Okaa-san!" His mother and the woman laughed. "Terumi, Hana-san. Please stop tormenting my son" Oikawa turned to his father, very grateful "And Hana-san, where is your husband Kaito?" His father looked guarded, wary and with concern.

Oikawa wondered if this Kaito had the same relationship woth his father like his mother with that woman-

"Ow! Otou-san, what the heck was that for?!" He yelled, rubbing the back of his head that his father slapped

"Stop thinking. And stop comparing me to those crazy women." His father hissed.

Oikawa looked at the women, and felt lucky for his father they didn't' heard him.

"Oh, Kaito?" Hana-san said, "He's passed out in the basement."

Oikawa started to feel a bad feeling "Why?"

"I just finished punishing him for trying to keep Terumi-chan away from me."

"P-punish?" Oikawa took a gulp, with his father stiff as a board with a pale face "From what?"

The matriarch of the Shimizu  Household smiled so ssweet like a poison and her warm brown eyes had something dark in them.

"I guess you'll have to be a very bad puppy like Kaito-kun and your father, Takuma-kun to know, Tooru-chan."

And besides still insisting that this summer was going to be boring, Oikawa knew that this summer was going to be scary for him and probably his dads and this Kaito.

Kaa-chan was enough and you go and add another one of her? Oikawa  silently thought as he dragged all the luggage into the house You, my Lord, suck.

Oikawa's Summer With ShimizuWhere stories live. Discover now