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"This room here will be where your parents will be sleeping, Tooru-chan. So set their bags here."

Oikawa stared at the room that looked like the main bedroom and stared at the Dark-blue sheeted double-bed.

"Ano, H-Hana-san-" "Oh Tooru-chan, call me Kaa-sama" "Huh?" "Go on, ask your question and call me Kaa-sama"

Oikawa stared at the warm brown-caramek eyed woman with a dumbfounded stare.

No way.

"Ano... K-Kaa-chama, is this perhaps the room you and your husband, uh, Kaito-san sleep?"

The woman blinked "-chama?" She grinned "I approve! And yes!"

"Uhh... perhaps another room for my parents will be fine?"

"Oh no, this will be fine! This is big enough for us! Kaito-kun and Takuma-kun can sleep on the bare floor for the rest of the summer in this room as their punishment for going against us and Terumi-chan and I can sleep on the bed"

Oikawa stared, and after a moment, just placed his parents luggage without a single word.

I'll never cross Okaa-chan and this woman while they are together-scratch that. Hana lead Tooru to another room that was across from the room that was besides the Main bedroom I'll please them with everything I can get and I will not make them my enemies. Kaito-san and Tou-san were stupid to do that to them.

"-is the room where you'll be staying and across this room that is besides ours, is my daughter's!"

"Daughter?" Oikawa asked,

Hana nodded with a bubbly smile "Yes, my daughter. She looks like me except she has her father's pretty grey eyes. Oh," Hana then looked at him with wonder "She's probably at your age. Tooru-kun, how old are you again?"

"I'm 18 years old, H-" a pointed look "Hana-chama" she gave a sign of approving to the new nicknamr, thank god! "And I'll be going to college with Iwa-chan this semester."

"That's perfect! My daughter will be going to college this semester! And she'll be turning 18 years old pretty soon." I smiled "Well, hopefully she'll be ok for a party!"

Oikawa set his thing down the room where he'll be staying. It was perfect for him. He could spend a whole day without being disturbed.

"Maybe your daughter is not the type to like to party?"

The woman pursed her lips "I'm not sure," she admitted and Oikawa raised an eyebrow at her "She had always loved celebrating her birthdays with parties and she seemed fine with going to her friends birthday and making a party for them. She's also ok setting a party for us. Surprising us not once, but twice."


"But ever since she turned 10, my baby girl always insisted never having a party for her birthday. And I don't know why..." she muttered, her eyes watering

"Oh no, Miss" Oikawa looked at the woman that was starting to tear up and felt anxious as if her husband or her mother would pop out in any second. He inwardly slapped himself, Snap out of it, you are a gentleman. And when a lady cries...

"Shhh..." he shushed the older woman and rubbed her back "If she has a reason and she is hiding it from you, there must be another reason why and it could be everything." Her tears started to drop "But that doesn't' mean she wouldn't ever plan to tell you. I'm sure, that the both of are wonderful parents who have a wonderful daughter with a secret. That wonderful girl must be planning to tell you but is jot sure when. She loves you both and trusts you, just wait for her patiently and I'm sure she'll tell you without a second thought."

"Tooru-chan!" Hana hugged the Volleyball player so tight his face turned a bit blue before releasing him, and wasn't fazed by the sight of him inhaling the air more deeply "Your not just a handsome, well-mannered cute puppy. Your parents have outdone themselves for creating such a wonderful gentleman."

Oikawa blinked and smiled "Of course. I might not be a genius," like Kageyama he bitterly thought "But I know that when a lady cries, no matter how old or who, a gentleman should always be there to comfort her."

Hana giggled and smiled at him "Your a good boy, Tooru." And her smile dropped and was replaced by a focused look "hmm... perhaps..."

"Perhaps?" He questioned,

"Oh nothing!" she said, waving it off.




"Sorry Kaito. But your on your own."



Oikawa and the bobbed-haired woman sweat dropped at the loud screams, and crash and yells.

Hana smiled tightly as her eyes narrowed "I'm sorry, but I have to be in the Living room or more things will break." Oikawa could have sworn he heard her say 'break them if they broke her precious vase' or something. "It would be best for you to take a walk for a while, Tooru-chan. It wouldn't be safe in this house while they go on a rampage"

Oikawa took a gulp at her blank smiling face and nodded "great, you should be out of the house using the back door on the kitchen."

And as soon as Oikawa could, he ran out of the house and stopped outside only to shiver as he heard screams and yells and howls.

He ran again and convinced himself its for a jog and ran.

Shimizu  is a force to be reckoned with, indeed.

Oikawa's Summer With ShimizuWhere stories live. Discover now