Poetry Awards

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Welcome to the Poetry Awards!

R E Q U I R E M E N T S   F O R   Y O U R   B O O K

-Your book must be undiscovered, meaning it must have have less than 1k reads
-Your book must be in English

W H A T   Y O U   N E E D   T O   K N O W

1) You can enter your own book
2) You can enter someone else's book
3) You can enter multiple books
4) Winners receive a sticker
5) Winners receive a shoutout from this account
6) Winners receive a follow from this account
7) Winners receive votes on their book from this account
8) You DO NOT have to tag anyone else to enter
9) You DO NOT have to follow any accounts to enter
10) Late entries will not be accepted
11) I won't accept any more entries than the limited number I specify at the beginning each contest
12) Have fun...
13) Good luck!

Poetry AwardsWhere stories live. Discover now