Chapter One: One Of Those Nights

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Personal Space, Dam It!: Chapter One: One Of Those Nights


Sobs. Sniff. Sobs.

Every night, Nico di Angelo would often shadow travel to Camp Jupiter to visit his friend, Jason Grace. The only demigod who knew his secret and he had put his trust in the blonde guy. Ever since his sister's death and the announcement of.. gulp.. Percy and Annabeth's relationship, he couldn't take it anymore. He wanted to be in Bianca's arms and let his big sister comfort him. Sadly, that isn't so possible now. Every day, he would keep an eye on the son of Poseidon and turned away whenever the blonde daughter of Athena was in his line of sight. Now, it all came down on him and he couldn't think of anyone else to confide in until he remembered the blonde boy.

Normally, he sulked by himself and let the shadows of his cabin engulf him by the night. Nico has thought of cutting his wrists multiple times but to see Bianca's face worrying about him ached more than just cutting himself. His bed sheets and pillows were always wet due to crying himself to sleep. And, to be honest, it was hard to keep the façade up whenever morning struck and told him to get out of the cabin for breakfast. It was unexpected to see the Son of Hades actually have emotions or care for others than him. Gee, he's just like everyone else but others seem to think otherwise. He's had his own problems to deal with.

The pain in his chest never ceased to diminish. Every. Single. Day. It devours him at night and stays quietly locked up in a cage by morning. It knows its limits and it pushes Nico to the point where he breaks down crying. During those times, he accepts the fact that no one will come to his aid. Probably not Hazel since, from her time, she'd probably freak out. This night, though, he made his decision and went to pour down his feelings on Jason.

Nico's POV

I rub my eyes slowly as the tears spill down my cheeks. I take in short intakes of air and groan in frustration. The son of Jupiter laid his right hand on my shoulder and began rubbing it to comfort me. I tried to stop the tears that threaten to spill but it came like a waterfall. "Sshhh. There, there. Do you want to talk about it?" Jason asked. I would've smacked him in the head saying that's not what you want to say to someone when they're crying their eyes out on a sore subject, genius. But instead, I bite my lip and nod my head cautiously.

"Every night, Jason. I think of sinking the blade of a razor into my skin to distract me from emotional pain but something will always stop me from doing so. Bianca. She… Her face appears at the back of my head when I close my eyes and I could hear her telling me to stop. But every time I open my eyes, to think that she's there, comforting me, she's not. She's gone and reality hits me hard like a brick. She's dead!" I shout and clench my fists. This isn't the first time I broke down about my sister. I don't hold back this time and let my cries of frustration ring around the room. Jason kept quiet, a sign to let me go on.

"Knowing Bianca isn't there anymore isn't the only thing that hits me hard to knock the life out of me. It's the possibility that Hazel can never be of comfort because back in her times, this sort of thing was forbidden. I can never talk to anyone if you are not around." I admitted. My sobs soften and I sigh. Jason hands me a glass of water–Wait, where'd that come from?– and I took it. I bring the glass to my lips and drank, letting the clear liquid down my throat before sighing again.

"I know I can never have Percy and I'm aware of that. But sometimes it just takes me by surprise and I remember my sister isn't there to support me. It hurts! I don't ever want to see his face but at the same time, I crave at least a bit of attention when I get out of my cabin. It's confusing but that's all what I am, right? A confusing little loner." I frown and hide my face with my hands. I muffle the sobs that are breaking through and breathe heavily. Jason coddled me like always and gave me reassuring pats.

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