Chapter Three: You're In My Spot

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A/N: Yay, I'm back. Cool. Anyways, school's over (in my place) and I have 2 months of vacation. Boo. I also have drum lessons 4 days a week and I'll start by next week. Forgive me if I don't update for a long time but I'll try my best.

Song: So Alone by Anna Blue

Personal Space, Dam It!: Chapter Three

"Jason, we need to discuss this" the wiser one of the two demigods declared. That's when Jason looked at the daughter of Athena, contemplating whether to tell them or not.

Nico's POV

I can't handle this anymore! I just had to get out of that place. After I stumbled across Jason's cabin and shadow travelled for the second time, I felt exhausted. I don't know where to go from there and suddenly appeared in a dark place. I looked around and heaved a sigh when the area looked somewhat familiar. I've been here a couple times and I'm happy I'm away from Percy and Annabeth for a while. I'm in the New Orleans Graveyard.

The full moon illuminated dimly down the tombstones and trees cast an eerie dark shadow. I strode past graves towards my lone bench underneath the dark shade of a specific tree. I wished to forget all the troubles for a while and talk to someone. Gods, do I really deserve this? I froze in my tracks when I saw a dark figure sitting on my bench. At first, I thought the shadows were playing tricks with my eyes but after blinking, the figure became clearer.

The boy looked like a sixteen year-old, like Percy. His hair is black and tousled. From the distance, his skin seems pale like mine. He wears a black leather jacket and black jeans. Sensing my presence, the older teen glanced at me. "I didn't know anyone else went here at night", he said. I continued to walk forward and as I come closer, something seems… different. Unlike how I approach ordinary mortals, this one had a different aura. I finally stood in front of him. "That's my spot", I crossed my arms and mumbled. The teen in the black shirt raised an eyebrow. He attempted a smile and moved aside, leaving enough space for another person. I nodded, as a sign of thanking him, and sat down.

"I don't think I've seen you here before" the older teen looked at me. I frowned mentally. I don't feel like socializing right now. But, gathering my wits, decided to entertain the other boy. "Neither have I. I come here occasionally" I muttered, not looking at the other boy.

He pursed his lips and nodded. "I'm Anubis," he paused. For a minute, I thought he was going to say something else. There's definitely something up with this guy. My eyebrows knitted together and that's when my mind snapped. "You mean, the God of funerals?", I turned to him and my eyes went wide when he reluctantly nodded. "Yeah, keep it shut" He—Anubis— grinned. I twisted my head and looked around at my surroundings. "It's not like anyone's going to hear" I grinned back. He shrugged and placed his hands behind his head.

For once, my night felt calm and collected. Forgetting my troubles temporarily, I leaned back. "I'm Nico di Angelo, son of Hades" I said. The cold breeze swept past us and blew gently on our faces. I'm glad I wore my aviator jacket. "Hades? The Greek god of the underworld?" Anubis tilted his head in confusion. I nodded.

"So, what brings you here?" The god of funerals fiddled with the zipper of his jacket. I frowned, yet again, remembering what caused me to go here in the first place. Should I tell him? I just met him, after all. But isn't that what I've been thinking about earlier; my wish to talk to someone who's willing to listen? I don't know if I could trust this guy yet but I think this is what I needed right now. Someone to talk to (besides Jason).

I sighed, finally deciding to confide to him. "Long story actually" I murmured. He slouched forward and placed his elbows on top of his knees. Anubis placed a hand under his chin to support it and glanced at me expectantly. "I'm listening," He responded. Looking closer, the teen had soft brown eyes and it was breathtaking. I inhaled and exhaled silently. This is it. "Okay, so, I have this friend in a camp for demigods like me. He's what you call the "hero" or "protagonist". He saves everyone and he's been idolized by many. We're friends but… I feel something else for him,"

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