Chapter 5 - Sinful

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Juno's POV

Juno walked along the gray, desolate streets, wearing a big pale baby blue coat and black skinny jeans. His hood was up, and he dragged his suitcase with him as he looked for a bus stop to wait at. Finally, after half an hour of walking, he found a red bus stop. When the bus finally arrived, he hopped inside. The driver looked expectantly at him. Juno passed him a $5 bill and said, "Keep the change." Juno walked to back of the bus, ignoring the stares of all the strangers. One in particular, a german shepard in the 2nd row on the left, caught his eyes. He had the same eyes as Taurus. Oh how he missed those eyes. Juno sat down at the back of the bus and got out his phone. He went straight onto Twitter and posted, "Why is Leicester so dreary and sad when it's raining :("

4 Hours Later~

Juno woke up to the screeching of the bus as it stopped. Everyone else by this point had gotten off the bus. The bus driver looked back at him.

"Your stop son. Have safe travels." Juno said a quick thanks and jumped off the bus. He looked around, rereading the text his mom had sent when he had left home at 19.

"Juno, first of all, you piece of shit. How dare you leave my roof. Your father is furious. He said I to attach our address so that when you realise the mistake you've made, you can come running back home."

Juno entered the address into Google Maps and followed the directions until he stood outside the white house. His parent's white house. It looked more like a cemetery building to him, but he walked up the front garden and knocked on the front door. Yelling erupted inside, followed by the pattering of paws down the stairs and the creaky sound of the door opening. A brown and white male husky stood there, dressed in an ugly green t-shirt with purple jeans. The husky observed Juno with a look of disgust, and said,

"So. The scum is back. Finally realised you have sinned?" Juno bowed his head and murmured,

"I just need to-" His father cut him off,

"I don't want to hear any of your bullshit. It says, Romans 1:26-28, "so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done. You are not allowed underneath my roof so long as you give over to the sinful act of homosexuality." Juno sighed.

"Dad; I'm not gay. I realise what I did was wrong. Taurus and I broke up last year. I was sleeping on friends couches so I could get as far as I could away from him. He is full of sin; I realise that now." Alex Garver scowled, but seemed to believe his son, as he opened the door wider, telling Juno roughly,

"Follow me." Juno walked in after his father, taking off his shoes, and hanging his coat on a hook. He followed him through a hallway, and then another hallway, until they finally came to a white door, which stood out greatly compared to the dark wood of the rest of the walls. In glittery letters stuck on the door it said, "JUNO"

Juno gasped and opened the door, examining the room. The bed had been changed into a larger size, and most of his stuff was gone. The only thing left was a big poster of Saturn, his favourite planet, above the bed. It was moth bitten around the edges, but Juno almost broke down crying. Then he remembered who was behind him. His dad.

"Thanks for keeping the poster dad." He said nonchalantly, as if he couldn't give less fucks. His father snorted and said,

"Don't thank me, thank you stupid bitch of a mother. Dinner is at 7:30 sharp. Don't be late, or I'll have your fur for it." Juno sighed, collapsing onto the bed.

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