Chapter Three

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The corner of the cell surrounding me is my only protection as I huddle to the cold wall that sends shivers down my dirty and naked body. Three months I had now been here. I know because of the markings I would make on the walls.

There is a clattering and I hear the jingle of keys unlocking the cell. Why does he have to come now. I don't feel like more, I can't handle more.

"Go away Benjamin." I groan through my dry and scratchy throat.

"Shhh, my love, I won't hurt you!" He crouches in front of me and grabs my chin. I try to turn away but he roughly turns my head back to him and then smashes his lips on mine. It disgusts me. All I am to these men is a toy, in a game to see who can get the last girl alive pregnant first and go down in history as the man who saved the human race, while I would be cast aside and forgotten as soon as I had done my part. 

I shut down as he does to me what he does everyday. I don't fight. It's pointless.

My eyes begin to open and I see darkness everywhere. I can feel my eyes are wet from the tears shed remembering my near past. I had only just escaped them, and now I was being taken by more men. All the memories of Jay and the others swirled in my mind. I thought Jay was actually being a decent guy, I couldn't have been more wrong. He's the reason I'm sitting in the dark on what feels like a chair, with what I'm sure is a bag over my head.

I go to lift my arm to pull off the bag when my hand is brought back by something restraining me. Panic washes through me. It's the same all over again.

"You're awake." I hear Jay on the other side of the room. 

The bag is ripped from my head in one swift movement and my eyes flutter as they adjust to the light. 

I sit in a completely white room on a metal chair, my hands restrained behind me. I was expecting to wake up to a dingy cell.

"Where am I?"


"I know we are in bloody England. I mean where in the world am I that includes a pristine room like this?" Rooms like this didn't exist anymore, conditions were broken and disgusting nowadays. 

"We call it quarantine. It's where we bring the new members before we let them into the Vivo. To make sure no virus is running through their blood."

"As if you can check for that."

"How do you think we have survived this long?" He mused, leaning forward so we are face to face, only a breath apart. I tried to lean back but the metal of the chairs backrest worked against me, forcing me to stay near. 

A few minutes passed by before he finally leant back and walked out a door leading to another white hallway. I looked around the room. Four white walls, white tiled floor and a white roof with modern lights bordering the walls. The only furniture in the room was the single metal chair I sat on and a bare toilet.

Hours passed, I didn't shout for help. I knew from the past it only made things worse. Instead I simply sat and stared at the little square window in the door, no one went by, but I wasn't going to miss it if someone did. 

A few more hours and my wrists are now aching from the rope tying me back. I can feel the rawness of my wrists as they burn. I can feel blisters forming and I swear every so often I feel blood dripping to the floor. My eyelids begin to become heavy and the window in front of me blurs as exhaustion and boredom take over. My last glimpse before I allow my eyes to shut is three men walking through the door in a triangle formation. One of which is Jay, but he is not the front of the triangle, he is flanking someone who is obviously a leader. As sleep overcomes me I can practically smell the authority coming off him, and it makes me scared.

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