Chapter Seven

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The sun seemed to cling to the sky as it was time for night to fall. This was another side effect of the heat, the sun always seemed to want to be in the sky, no matter the time of day. Eventually it would fall and let the moon rise, but it would only be for a few hours. Most people saw it as a disadvantage. It burned for longer and made people want to run to the shade constantly. For the coastal survivors, the moon being hidden also meant that the waves of the ocean were affected. It also meant it was harder to grow crops. Yes, rain fell occasionally, but the sun seemed to burn the fine hairs on the wheat before water did eventually fall. I tried to see the advantages of it though. At least in all this darkness, we were in a world filled with light.

Thoughts like this seemed to consume me in the days of being alone out in the world. I was definitely a dreamer as my mum used to say. I was content without the sound of American voices blaring through a tv. I was content with just sitting below the sun and letting my mind run wild with existential thoughts and theories for a better world. My mum used to say I would be wrinkly by the age of 30 if I continued to refuse to enter the confines of our home. Now all I wanted was those blasted purple walls mum had painted on a whim when she had a bright idea at being a designer.

I had found a route to climb to the top of the shopping centre that they had converted into living spaces. The wind actually hit my face up here. There seemed to not even be a gentle breeze down at the bottom of the vivo. The high walls they had built ensured not even a strong current of natural air could enter this darn place. I decided this would be my new place to come hide. I guess you could say that was what I was doing now. Hiding.

I couldn't face my brother. I missed him. I missed him like all hell. But I couldn't face him. I was not only a dreamer, I was a serial thinker. And thoughts were consuming me right now in a way that was dangerous for me to be around people. However it was probably more dangerous for me to be alone.

How could he have left me? There must have been a reason. Or maybe I was a burden to him. After all, I'm a girl. Maybe I was slowing him down.
Maybe he didn't see dad die, and he thought I would be fine with dad and we didn't need him. Or maybe he was trying to protect me somehow.

Maybe he realised if he stayed with me he would die. After all, one look at me and attacks came from all angles. Running with the last girl alive would probably get him killed in some testosterone filled fight over who had the most masculinity in order to win the last girl in the world.

Unlucky for the brooding men that had come after me over the years... I wasn't interested. And I realise that may seem selfish. I am literally the only person in the world that can save the human race, but I don't want to be auctioned off to the highest bidder.

There was a time when I used to rave to mum about how I wanted five kids, two of which would be twins. Now the idea of children has become my biggest fear. How could I raise a child in a world like this? Where the sun doesn't fall the way it should and rain doesn't bless the soil in a way that lets life grow freely. A world where something as simple as a cold, could lead to the virus taking you in the short night without even being able to realise it was happening.

A world where me having a child would mean men would surround me and pressure me into being the best mother in the world... as if it would matter. I would be the only mother in the world.

My thoughts would be the death of me. But they were also the only thing keeping me sane.

The bell went over an hour ago to signal dinner. People would be looking for me. I was still under close scrutiny. I was still only allowed the freedom of the communal area, my sleeping quarters and the doc's office. I only managed to sneak away because they were so caught up in my brother and the news they had just found out.

"Found you."

"Great." I groan. I don't turn to greet him. I know it's Jay. I would know that voice from a mile away.

"This is naughty you know. Not only have you invaded my private spot in the vivo, you've also been away for quite some time now. Isaac would be disappointed."

"Screw Isaac."

"Seriously though, you better not be claiming this roof. I cleared the path up to this year's ago." He was smirking through his words. I could tell he was without even looking.

"We'll just have to see who is more determined to keep it then."

"For once in my life. I actually believe that is a fight I might lose." He murmurs. I turn my head at that to see he is looking straight at me. But it's not in the way most men look at me. My skin doesn't crawl at the look. I don't feel like inching my body away. I feel safe, and it scares me even more.

I turn my head away quickly and keep my gaze on the horizon ahead. It must be nearly 11pm now and the sun is only just beginning to fall. It will be risen again by four.

"What are you thinking." He's genuinely curious, and for a moment I feel like telling him.

"Oh, you know, escape routes and whatnot."

"That's the first time you have said that where I haven't believed you. Not one bit. Is the infamous Alexistrianna finally given into the luxuries of the vivo?"

"Alex." I speak through my teeth.


"You are not my family." I say.

"Alexis?" His bloody grin is back.

"I knew a girl in school with that name. Not the sort of name I would like to associate with."

"Anna?" Through all his teasing a smile had grown on my face, however it faltered at that name.

"My mum's name. Off the table." His smile also falters at that and he reaches over and squeezes my hand. My eyes lock onto his hand for about five seconds before they look up to meet his. A small reassuring smile on his face. And it somehow makes me want to explain.

"Anna was my mum's name. Tristan was my dad's. That's meant to be the 'tri' bit in the middle. And Alex was meant to be Zander and I's triplet. There was meant to be three of us, but there was a tricky birth. I was originally meant to be called Isabelle..."

"And that's the 'is' in the middle?" He cuts me off smiling.


"So the name you were meant to get, got taken over by three other names, and in the end only got two letters in the name you ended up with? That seems highly unfair." He laughs.

"I never thought of it like that. It is a bit unfair isn't it!" I was laughing. I was actually laughing, comfortably, with my 'kidnapper.'

"Well I think the name you were meant to get needs some attention."

"Oh really." I don't know why, but I was highly amused by this.

"Belle? I believe it fits you in more ways than one. You are rather beautiful." I couldn't help but find my cheeks blushing. I was mortified, utterly mortified.

"But Alex suits you too." He muses.

"And why is that?" I question, thankful to get away from the earlier conversation.

"Because in Greek, do you know what Alex means? It's rather fitting if you ask me."

"What?" I asked, leaning forward to amuse whatever link he was trying to make.

"It means defender of men, and protector of mankind. And I believe that is the perfect depiction of you." He leans back, looking proud as I sit there, completely in shock.

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