Jay's P.O.V
The wolf whistles and shouts from the men disgust me. They should be more civilised than this. I know it's been a while but they are acting as if they have never seen a woman in their life. My arms cross against my chest as I keep a stern exterior. I'm Isaac's right hand man, and everyone here knows it. My eyes follow Alex's every move, I don't miss the hurt that crosses her features when her eyes meet mine. I know I'm only 21, but she is only 19, and from the few words she said before, I can tell unthinkable things have happened to her too many times to count. It makes me furious thinking about them, about the other buggers that must have done this too her. Then I realise that what we are doing now is exactly the same, in a way. Isaac's showing her off like a toy just like she said earlier. I decide in that moment. I will protect her with my life.
Alex's P.O.V
The salty feel of tears prick my eyes. One stray tear betrays me but I quickly cover it up. I realise I am still on the floor, looking pathetic and weak. Using my hands I push myself up until I stand before the crowd. There are hundreds of men, young and old. However not that old. Late thirties is classified as old now.
"Alex!" Comes a sing song voice. My head turns to see Isaac motioning for me. I realise he must've been talking to me before but I had tuned out.
"Anything you would like to say?" He questions, almost challenges.
"Fuck you." I say as confidently as possible, I realise it was a mistake, I could've said something much wittier. Laughs follow as 'ooh's' go around the room. Isaac simply laughs.
"Members of the Vivo. I would like to welcome our newest member Alex. I trust you will treat her well. But not too well if you know what I mean." My head snaps to his. His signature smirk is directed straight at me. I am so tempted to flip him off but instead, I walk offstage, and too my surprise, the guards let me pass. In a way it worries me. They let me pass so easily, almost as if it didn't even matter, because they knew I wouldn't be able to escape. What they didn't know is that I have escaped 3 of these places and dozens of men, I'm sure it's not all that different.
The grounds are larger than I imagined they would be. The grass is greener than I have seen in a long time, but not as green as it used to be. I find a small farm, wheat and vegetables grow. There are a few cows, sheep and pigs in a makeshift paddock. I have to applaud them. This is way more advanced than I have seen anyone else have their bases. The last base I was captured in was just a couple old buildings in the middle of nowhere. They were dingy and dark, they reminded me of the old, run down pubs my mum used to tell me to keep away from.
Further on seems to be a community area. It's an open layout with four wooden pillars holding up the roof which is made up of scrap metal. Old benches and logs of wood litter the ground as seating, a fire is in the middle. I walk on to find clusters of tents. Living areas I presume. A few makeshift homes litter the area. I'm surprised to see an old and long abandoned shopping centre up ahead. It's within the walls of the compound, set apart from other shopping complexes on the other side of the walls. I walk through the mechanical shop doors which have been wedged open my huge bits of wood. I'm expecting to walk in and find the whole place ransacked and all resources gone.
A gasp escapes my mouth as I'm met with a massive living area. The shops that don't have any use have been turned into small homes or community rooms. An old arcade has been turned into a recreational area. Obviously none of the games work as electricity is long gone, but they have placed sofa's around a few pool tables, ping pong tables and air hockey tables which are still in use. There's even a single foosball table in the corner.
The old food court has been turned into a dining hall and the old kitchen of a McDonalds has become the kitchen of the cooks here. Again, none of the ovens and fridges work, but they have set up fires and stocked all kitchen products they could find. I walk up the now unmoving escalator to find the whole top floor has been cleared out and is a massive open area. Tents line the walls for more living places and a basketball hoop has been set up at each end. I notice a sport shop across the way and realise this is were they got the hoops from. They also have tonnes of basketballs, footballs and everything else stocked in there. Two football nets are stocked in the corner ready to come out when they want them.
This place is incredible. I'm gobsmacked at how civilised and advanced it is. It is the closest thing I have seen to somewhat normal in years. Walking to the centre of the room I lean down and let my fingers touch the basketball. My eyes water as memories flood in. The texture of this simple ball brings so much back to me. Pure memories, that I won't let be tainted by anyone. My twin brother and I went to the local basketball hoops every day after school, whenever we got the chance. He was on his way to playing for the state. I was always good too, but he was better. I pick it up and stand in the middle of the court. I want to shoot it, but it feels wrong without him here.
I don't know what happened to him. I expect he died along with the rest. After my mum died, my dad, brother and I travelled together. Then my Dad was shot. I turned around for a split second and my brother was gone too. I suspect the men that shot my dad trying to get to me had taken him too, he was probably long dead by now. My family was dead because of me. Because greedy men wanted to get their hands on the last female in the world.
"Alex?" I almost jumped out of my skin and dropped the ball. A young boy stood behind me, around 14.
"Oh, hello..." I didn't know what to say. I was glad he was young, I didn't want to see anyone who was older yet. I was surprised though, it was rare to see someone so young these days.
"Sorry for scaring you, Isaac asked me to find you. I mean it was sorta easy really, not many girls walking around here!" I smiled at his small try at lightening the mood.
"I don't really want to see Isaac right now."
"Well, I don't want to upset Isaac, but how about we play basketball for a bit and then we will go? I'll just say I couldn't find you." I didn't want him to get in trouble so I reluctantly agreed.
"Cool." He continued to stand there awkwardly before lunging down and grabbing the ball before maneuvering around me and shooting from the 3-point mark. He ran to retrieve the ball and threw it too me. I caught it last second and stared at it, should I shoot? Should I try?
"What's up?" He was concerned, "Never seen a basketball?" He laughed.
"Of course I have, just haven't played in a while.... brings back memories, you know?"
"Yeh, I know... lot's of things bring back memories." He looked sad, I made a quick decision, it can't hurt to just try, see if I've still got it.
"Bet I can shoot from further away than you!"
"No way! You're on." He snatched the ball from my hands and ran to the 3 point line.
"Ok, you shoot, then I shoot. If we both get it in we move a step back."
He easily shot from the 3 point line and then it was my turn. The ball shook in my hands. I was probably terrible now, I hadn't played in so long. I set up, my right hand holding up the ball, the ball resting on my palm, and my other hand steadied it. Bending my legs with one foot in front of the other I took my shot, squeezing my eyes shut.
I heard the familiar sound of it hitting the backboard and opened my eyes. It rolled once around the hoop before falling in. A smile graced my lips, I still had it.
We carried on like this for a while, he was really good, I had to give him that. Every time we both got it in we would take another step back. We were now about 3 metres of the end of the room, nearly hitting the escalator. There was no way I was going to get this shot. I closed my eyes and took the shot. I didn't hear anything, not even the ball hitting the ground if it had missed. Opening my eyes I was met with Isaac, he had caught my bloody ball.
"Piss off."
"Hey, that's no way to talk to your leader, I could punish you." There it was again, his signature smirk. I wanted to slap it off his face.
"Patrick, out you go now." Isaac turned to the boy and he looked at me apologetically before scurrying off. Isaac motioned for me to follow but I simply ignored. I knew I was being stubborn, and I knew what this had gotten me into in the past, but I couldn't help it. I no longer trusted men, they were pigs before The Heat, now they are absolutely trash.
"Don't be stubborn with me. I'm not going to hurt you. You should know you are way to precious to be hurt." I just stared at him, I hated that word, precious. I had been called it way to much in the past few years. Isaac saw I wasn't going to comply and nodded behind him. I was about to swivel around, not knowing that anyone else was in the room before I was grabbed by the waist, arms trapped at my sides and a muscled chest against my back.
"Sorry mi ùltimo amor, he's the boss." And with those few words in my ear, I knew Jay was my captor, once again.

The Final Female
Science FictionA virus that scientists named 'The Heat' has wiped out two thirds of the entire human species. Wiping out women first, the men now think they have no hope of repopulating. Until they find me. My name is Alex and I am the last girl on Earth. I am the...