The bell definitely woke me up, that was for sure. Stretching and sitting up I realised that was probably the best sleep I have had in a long time. It wasn't spent on the forest floor or in an abandoned house, constantly keeping one eye open to make sure no one came to take me. I should've been doing the same last night, but for some reason, sleep took over sending me blissfully into a dreamworld I hadn't entered in a very long time.
I don't have any other clothes, so I stand up, tie my hair up high and walk out the door, letting the sun rays hit my back.
Men and the odd young boy mill around outside, taking curious glances at me every few seconds. I have no clue where I'm meant to be going. Everyone seems to be going in one direction, so I silently walk behind them.
We eventually make it to the large community space I saw yesterday. The metal sheets creating a roof to shade the blistering sun from burning the backs of the men as everyone sits on logs and chairs, chatting. Just, chatting. It's civilised, it's almost normal, and it shocks me. It reminds me of the community gatherings my mum used to make me go to once a month. Everyone would sit together and make causal conversation. The only difference of course was the situation, and the lack of women running around to catch their kids and gossip, with the men out of ear shot.
A hand taps my shoulder and I spin round. My heart hammers for a second before I realise it's only patrick. For some reason, He's the only one I truly trust around here.
"You wanna come sit with me?" He asks, a nervous smile painted across his face.
"Yeh sure, don't exactly know anyone else around here do I!" I laugh awkwardly, it's a weird sound, not a laugh, more of a noise to fill the tense and nervous air around me. He begins to walk to a bunch of logs near the middle. A few boys sit there, Patrick's friends I conclude.
We sit down and I hug myself. A self conscious instinct I guess.
"Alex, these are my friends. You'll soon figure out everyone sorta has groups around here. You can join ours if ya want, or you can find your own."
I smiled at him in understanding. My eyes flicker around. Even though I don't know the boys in this group, they seem the nearest my age ... and the least likely to be perverted scumbags. Plus Patrick's here, and once again, I just feel like I can trust him.
"Well mighta' well introduce ya then ay? This here is Vince," He says gesturing to a ginger guy in his early twenties. "This is Brody and Ethan," He says gesturing to two identical twins. They smile cheekily at me, they look about eighteen. "This is Peter," He gestures to a small blonde kid, he looks just older than Patrick, maybe 16. "Then theres Quinn," He points to an older guy across the circle, he looks like he's in his late thirties, maybe early forties. He has one of those kind smiles, He reminds me of my Dad. "And then you know Jay of course, don't know where he is. Probably welcoming back the troops that have been in the north for the past week. That reminds me, one of our group is out there with them too. You'll meet him when they're back from quarantine by lunch." He says happily.
"Nice to meet you guys." I make a half smile, I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just way out of my comfort zone right now.
Breakfast goes quick after that. Chatter and harmless banter circulates the intimate circle of friends. I feel like an intruder, answering questions occasionally, but I think they realise I'm not going to say much as they give up eventually and just send me friendly smiles once in a while.
Just as people are beginning to leave a hand lands on my shoulder making me jump.
"Come on Alexandra, gotta find you something to do around here. Pull your weight and all." Jay murmurs in my ear. What is with him and whispering in my ear.

The Final Female
Science FictionA virus that scientists named 'The Heat' has wiped out two thirds of the entire human species. Wiping out women first, the men now think they have no hope of repopulating. Until they find me. My name is Alex and I am the last girl on Earth. I am the...