Chapter 3

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*Few days later*

A few days had gone by since the two had arrived at the Citadel. Maxson had been attending meetings with the other Elders that had arrived and Alyssa has been searching around, looking for something to do. Every time she stepped out into the courtyard behind the gate that separated her from the wasteland, she felt confined and watched. Everyone would always forbid her from going outside the gate every time she headed towards the entrance, but her mind just kept telling her to take the risk of being out there. 

"Maxson, what's so dangerous about the wasteland here that isn't back home?" She questioned, causing the Elder to glanced in her direction. 

"The Enclave." He stated, sighing a bit and sitting on the edge of their bed. 

Alyssa took a seat on the floor against the wall, sighing. "You know I can't stay cooped in one place for so long. Every time I head outside, I'm feeling watched. Whether it's by the guards or the squires, or even the Scribes, I just watched."

"Look, I don't want you outside these walls. You're safe here and that's what matters. I'm sure the squires could use a little training or playtime. Check on them." 

Alyssa sighed a bit before pulling her knees to her chest. Her and Maxson had grown closer, yet every time the two would engage in a conversation, it felt like Maxson was holding back on something. It sounded like he wanted to get rid of something bubbling in his chest. 

"Maxson, you're not right." 

"What are you talking about, Alyssa." 

"Every time we talk, you get so...distant. Why?" 

"Look, it's nothing to worry about. I just want to get done here and head home." 

Alyssa released a heavy sigh before standing up and starting towards the door. "Where are you going?" Maxson spoke. 

"I-I'm heading out. I want to explore the wasteland. Don't worry, I won't go to far." 

Maxson released a sigh. "You have your Pip-Boy, right?" 

"Always do." She pulled up her jacket sleeve, showing off the dirty device. 

"And you have Stimpacks and stuff?" 

"Maxson, you know I never leave without the majors. Now, before you ask any more questions, yes, I have my weapons. Yes, I have ammo. I have everything I always have." 

Maxson sighed a little. "Be safe." 

"Are you forgetting who you're talking to? The girl who brought down Deathclaws, Behemoths, ya know, all those baddies?" 

Maxson chuckled a little bit. "You always were my best recruit." 

"I'll be back later." 

Alyssa smiled a bit at Maxson before grabbing her bag and heading out of the room. A few seconds went by before there was a knocking on the door. Maxson stood from his spot on the bed before heading to the door. Elder McNamara stood in the doorway, his arms crossed. 

"I hope you know your little Sentinel just went out into the wasteland." 

"She can take perfect care of herself." 

"Can she really?" 

"She's taken down bigger things then you ever will." 

"Really, name one." 

"I can name more then one. The Institute, the Railroad, Behemoths, Deathclaws, Raiders, Gunners, Mirelurks, Mirelurk Kings and Queens, Mirelurk hunters, A lot of Ferals, she's been to Boston's Glowing Sea, She's killed hundreds of Super Mutants, hell, she even befriended one. She's taken out dozen synths."

"Damn, that girl knows how to fight." 

"Oh, that ain't all of it. This girl will always be better and kill more then you ever will. Clear?" 

Nolan growled a little bit. "She ain't going to last out here with the Enclave. They get wind of her being out there and she's part of the Brotherhood, they will hunt her."

"She knows how to protect herself." 

Maxson stood before grabbing his gun and starting out of the room. "Where are you going? That Elder dinner is tonight." 

"Yeah, I know." 

Maxson shoved past McNamara before heading out of the building. He started towards the entrance quickly before being stopped by one of the guarding Knights. "You are forbidden to exit the Citadel under orders of-" 

"You are to let me pass, Knight." Maxson growled. 

The knight growled a bit before stepping aside, allowing Maxson to pass by. 




Alyssa panted heavily, crouching behind a building to hide from a pack of Super Mutants, one of them having a Minigun. "Bloody Hell. How are they stronger then the ones at home." She mumbled softly to herself. 

"Stop Hiding, Human!" One of the Super Mutants shouted. 

She stood up slowly before heading in an opposite direction. She got a few feet away from the pack of Super Mutants before starting to race back towards the Citadel. She stopped after a few moments before panting heavily and placing her hand on her chest. "Alyssa?" Maxson's voice came from behind her. 

"What are you doing here?" She replied, turning around. 

"I came out here looking for you. Listen, the Enclave-" 

"What the hell is the Enclave?" 

Maxson sighed. "Will you come back, then we can discuss this." 

"I can't stand being back there-" 

"Look, we have one more week, alright? Tonight's the big dinner with all the Elders need to be there." 

"For what?" 

"You need to meet all the Elders and-"

"Never mind. Yeah, I get it Maxson."

"Will you come back, now? We have two hours. You need to get ready." 

Alyssa released a sigh before following Maxson down the crumbled road to the Citadel.

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