Chapter 6

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This chapter is going to be really short. The next one should be longer. lol. 

*Few Days Later*

Maxson released a low sigh, climbing off the Vertibird onto the Prydwen. "Welcome back, Elder. How was your trip?" A knight spoke, helping him from the Vertibird.

"Where is Alyssa?" Maxson spoke, dodging the knights questions and quickly starting towards to entrance into the Prydwen.

"She hasn't been here since the Vertibird dropped her off a few days ago." 

Maxson stopped in his tracks before turning and looking at the Knight.  "Where has she gone?" 

"W-We don't know, sir." 

Maxson growled a little bit. "I want several Vertibirds out looking for her as well as several groups. We clear?" He glared at the Knight. "I'm heading to Diamond City and Goodneighbor." 

"U-Uh yes sir." The knight spoke, starting towards the inside of the Prydwen.

Maxson started back towards the Vertibird, climbing back into it and buckling up. "Goodneighbor, now." He spoke tapping the pilots shoulder




Alyssa sighed, sitting inside of the Memory Den, downstairs in Doctor Amari's lab. Amari glanced at a clipboard before releasing a sigh. "Well?" Alyssa spoke, leaning against the wall. "How are the tests?" 

Amari sighed before looking up at Alyssa then back to the clipboard. "Well...I know you don't want to hear this, but you're pregnant."

Alyssa sighed before rubbing her head. "Fuck..." She mumbled, sighing a bit and taking a seat. 

"How did this happen?" 

"Elder Maxson and I got drunk and..."

"Say no more. So what are you going to do?" 

"I-I don't know. Should I tell Maxson?" 

"You can't avoid him forever." 

"Yeah, I know." 

Alyssa sighed before standing up and grabbing her bag off the floor. "You wanna spend the night here?" 

"I'm gonna pop over at Hancock's actually...See what he's doing." Amari nodded before giving a small smile and following her upstairs. "How's Kent actually?" 

"He's doing good. Asleep now, I think. You should pop in and see him tomorrow, he'd like that." Amari responded, gesturing to a red door. 

"Yeah, I will. Alright, thanks. I'll see you guys whenever." 




Maxson released a low sigh, climbing out of the Vertibird, just outside of city lines. "Sir, are you-" The pilot started. 

"We can't be seen in city lines. I'll be fine. Head back to the Prydwen, I'll set a smoke signal when I'm ready."

The pilot nodded before starting off. Maxson turned around before sighing and starting into the city. 

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