Chapter 9

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Arthur carried the sleeping Alyssa into his quarters on the Prydwen. He placed her on his bed and wrapped blankets around her sleeping body. There was a knock on his door, making him walk to it and open it, revealing Lancer Captain Kells. 

"Elder Maxson. Good to see you safe and back. We've got a letter for you." Kells spoke. 

"Whose it from?" Maxson spoke, taking the folder letter from Kells's hand. 

"We don't know sir. It was handed to one of the guards at the airport. The handler said it's for your eyes only." 

Arthur gave a nod before closing the door to his quarters. He walked over to his desk before unfolding the dirty paper. 

This is for Arthur Maxson's eyes only, if you are reading this and you are not Elder Maxson, Do not Continue. 

Arthur, this is Ex Paladin Danse, writing from Sanctuary Hills, Home of Sentinel Lynn. I bet you thought you would never hear from me again, huh? Listen, I wish for a truce. My identity as a synth was as much as a surprise to me...then anyone else. If I only had known sooner, I would have destroyed myself. Sentinel Lynn needs to be kept at close hands in the Brotherhood of Steel. She's a good asset to have. Alyssa proved her faith in the Brotherhood, nearly risking her life every time she's out in the wasteland. You don't need to give the rest of this to her, but I would very much like if you could. 

Sentinel, I understand this will be difficult for you to understand, but it simply must be done. I've learned that you are...having a child with Arthur. I'm to much in love with you to remain in the Commonwealth any longer, so I'm leaving. I know this is going to be difficult to...understand, but I can't allow myself to betray Elder Maxson, even if I'm not...part of the Brotherhood any longer. This is Danse, Ex Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel, Signing Off.

Arthur released a sigh before glancing towards the bed quickly at the turning Alyssa. She shifted a bit more before slowly sitting and rubbing her eyes. "Arthur?" She mumbled, glancing towards him sitting at his desk. 

Arthur cleared his throat before quickly shoving the note into the drawer and standing. He walked over to Alyssa before taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Hey, You feeling alright?" 

"What were you doing?" 

"Not much. I was just reading a bit." Arthur placed a gentle hand on her forehead. 

"I wanna go back to Sanctuary." 

Arthur blinked before releasing a low sigh then giving her a gentle smile. "I think we can manage that." He spoke. 


"Yeah. I mean, it is your home, more then the Prydwen will ever be." 

"Thank you, Arthur." 

"Go back to sleep. We can take a Vertibird to Sanctuary in the morning. Alright?" 


"I promise."




Alyssa smiled a bit as the metal Synth walked up to her as she hopped off the Vertibird. The two exchanged hugs before the Synth glared at the Brotherhood Elder hopping off behind her. "What's he doing here?" The Synth spoke. 

"Nick, He's fine. I told him about everyone's cool. Arthur, that's Nick Valentine." 

"He's the Synth?" Arthur spoke, the tone of his voice a bit rough."

"It's Synth Detective Jackass. Least you can do is get the make and model right."  

"Is Danse around?" 

"Didn't you get his letter?" Nick responded.

"What letter?" 

"Danse had Preston deliver a message to one of the guards outside the airport. He was supposed to give it to Elder Maxson." 

Alyssa blinked before turning towards Maxson. Arthur bit his lip, looking at the ground. "Arthur, did Danse-" 

"I was going to give it to you, I just-" 

"You just what? Nick, where's Danse." 

"Danse left last night. He said he was leaving the Commonwealth for good." Nick responded.

Alyssa glanced at Arthur before quickly starting down the road. Arthur sighed a bit before glaring at Nick. "See what you did? This is why Synths should be destroyed." He spoke, growling a bit and starting after her.




Danse sighed a bit, looking around the Commonwealth and holding his laser Rifle close to him. He glanced at the burned trees before releasing another sigh and hurrying along quicker. He glanced over the ocean, reaching the shoreline of the beach. Washed up whales laid on the sandy shore, chunks of meat had been stolen for food and the corpses were nothing but rotting now. 

The sun was just about setting over the horizon of the water, creating a beautiful reflection on the water. Waves crashed against the shoreline, sending in any debris that was still floating out in the water. 

"Danse?" A voice spoke up from behind him. 

Danse quickly turned around, coming to eye contact with Robert MacCready. "What are you doing out here?" 

"I followed you. Real question is, what are you doing?" 

"Leaving the Commonwealth. It'd be better for everyone." 


"MacCready, you don't know...the whole story so please-" 

"Then tell me the whole story, and then you can come back home"

Danse rolled his eyes before glancing towards a run down building. He walked towards it, pushing the door open quickly. MacCready followed behind him, shutting and blocking the door behind him. 

"So, you wanna talk?" 

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