Poison's Touch

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I walked home, unaware of my surroundings. I walked home without bothering to nod a greeting at Mrs. Oman or at the kid across my street. I walked home, devoid of expression. Finally, when the cracked wooden house came into view, I grabbed my mom's old Ford pickup and reversed out of the driveway. I drove on and on, never stopping. I had no clue where I was going; all I knew was that I had to get there. Finally, I had arrived at what felt like should be my destination: the park. I glided past everyone and chose a bench near the edge of the woods. All I did was sit and mull things over, but even that can get you into trouble.

As I sat pondering on the stone cold bench, a voice whispered in my head: Come to me. The voice startled me so much that I found myself on the ground. I shook my head, and sat up, shuddering at the deep voice. I looked around at the people merrily enjoying nature, and noticed that not one of them showed any sign of hearing the eerie voice. Again, the voice whispered in my mind, tickling me with its gruff tone. Eventually, as the voice repeated its alluring tone, I succumbed to it. I knew at once what I shouldn't do, yet the prospect was so real, so thrilling. I will only peek a little, I tell myself firmly. But as I set off into the forest, a small piece of my mind whispered: No. I should have listened to that small bloom of a voice, but I just continued on. 

"Where are you?" I whispered in a melodious tone. I was oblivious to the world around me, and a small part of me realized that I had fallen victim to the voice's trap. Come to me. All of my thoughts fled my head, as once more, I followed the source of the voice without contradiction.

"I am coming!" I whispered gleefully. Come to me.

My mind clouded over as all I hear is: Come to me. The strength in me was fading as I turned around and around in a circle, humming. An ice cold breeze washed over my carefree body. I slumped to the ground, now alert of the danger. I tried to back away, but as I turned, a massive black shrouded wall blocked me. I whipped my head around and found that there was another ebony wall across from me. They slowly moved together, inching like a snail. I tried to run, but there was no escape. Suddenly, there were four walls, desperate to crush me. There was nothing left to do, so I just sat in silence, awaiting my demise. Tears slipped down my cheeks freely as I shivered in fear at the thought of what would happen next. The walls finally reached my limp body and the world slowly faded to black.

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