Chapter 16

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Kendall's POV

"You guys are glowing.. and grinning hard.. did you?.." i trail off looking for Mum and aunt Gen to Uncle Jared to dad. No one was saying anything, just smirking and smiling. "Oh my god! you guys! see! what did i tell you! a few days alone.." i wiggle my eyes making them laugh "Says you! your glowing as well!" Aunt Gen exclaimed. My cheeks went a deep red as i looked down at my feet "Aww sweetheart.. was it your first?" mum asked making my cheeks even a deeper red "God no!" i laugh "Go on! tell your mother and Gen where you did it the first time" dad says slinging an arm around my shoulder and smiling.

"In the back of the Impala.. on set.." i mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear me. After that it was completely silent. Not an awkward silence. Just silence. "I mean to be completely honest, i've always wanted to do it in the Impala after watching the scene from season four episode ten, Dean and Anna having sex in the impala" i smirk. Before i could speak again there was knocking on the door so i got up and answered it. "Mary? what are you doing here?" Mary was one of the many people that was actually super nice and very kind, she works at the orphanage in and out of. Seeing her here is a big surprise but the sad look on her face tells me she has bad news.

"Mary it's so good to see you again!" i smile "Hi Kendall.. umm.. i'm afraid to tell you this but i bring you bad news.. um Shannon and David.. your previous foster mother and father is here right now.. they demand to take you back.. i am so so sorry Kendall, i've heard all the wonderful things about you in this new family and how happy you are" I stay silent, tears stinging my eyes and try to swallow the big lump formed in my throat. "No.. no.. this can't be happening" i choke back on a sob and back away from the door once i see my previous foster mother and father behind Mary. "Kiddo.. you alright? why are you crying?" Dad asks. I shake my head.

"Shannon and David.. my previous foster mother and father are here to take me back! They demand to take me back" i cry "No.. you can not take Kendall away from us!" Dad exclaimed as Shannon walks into the room "I'm afraid i can.. you haven't signed the adoption papers yet.." She sickly grins "What? tell me thats not true.. dad? mum?" i turn to both of them, they sigh and shake their heads softly "The forms for legal adoption take a few months to get here and they were actually coming this weekend so your father and I can sign them but I guess it's to late" mum speaks up "But that doesn't mean that we're giving you up easily" dad adds.

He went in front of me to block Davids path from getting ahold of me. "Give me that bitch now!" He yelled "Don't you dare call her a bitch!" Dad yells back. While dad was trying to fight off my foster dad my foster mum sneaked her way through and grabbed my arm tightly making me wince in pain "Motherfucker!" I groan and tried to thrashed out of her grip. I pushed and shoved her hoping she would release her grip on me but that resulted in a backhand slap, her engagement ring slicing across my cheek, drawing blood to the surface. "Let's go!" She gritted her teeth and pulled me away with her.

"Ken.. Ken.. I promise you.. I promise I will get those papers and I will go to court to get full custody and legal adoption of you, I promise you Kiddo" dad nods kissing my forehead "Tell Max and Misha everything that happened when he gets back okay?" I say and dad nodded back in response. Before I could walk away three little bodies were clinging onto my legs. Crying. I sighed trying to stop the tears from falling because seeing them cry breaks my heart. I bent down to their height and kissed there foreheads. "Sissy! Don't leave us!" JJ cried "Oh monkeys.. i will come back I promise you okay!" I sobbed "Promise Kenny?" Tom asked me "Of course! Tom, Shep and JJ I promise 100% that I'll come back" I sniffled.

They each gave me a tight hug and let go of me. I managed to get out of her grip and ran to Dad jumping into his arms and bawled my eyes out into his shoulder. "I'm gonna miss you dad.." "I'm gonna miss you to Kiddo.." his voice breaks which makes me break. I quickly hug the daylight out of mum, aunt Gen and Uncle Jared before they all watched me walk away and out of sight.

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