Chapter 51

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Kendall's POV

*2 Months Later*

*Wedding Day*

"First of all! All of the the bouquets were the wrong flowers, second! My heels were the wrong size, Third! Some of my nails broke and now Jason isn't here!"



"If Jason isn't here then that means no wedding! And I'm freaking the fuck out!"

*Hours Earlier*

I rub my temples in frustration and wipe the tears away from my cheeks.

"Can anything else go wrong?!" I asked, shaking my head. It's 11:46 AM and the day has gone terrible. On my wedding day. All the flowers for the bouquets are completely wrong, some of my nails have broken off and my heels are the wrong size. "Someone has to go to the florist.." I sigh "Leah and I will go" Ava said "Thanks a ton! Make sure their pink and white roses" I replied as Ava and Leah (Chris's girlfriend) got into their car "And I'm going to the mall to get another pair of fucking heels" I put my shoes and grab my car keys "Gen and I will go with you" mum says "And everyone else, please make sure that your dresses and the flower girls dresses are not ripped please"

*At The Mall*

People stare at me as I rush up to the store that i bought my heels from. I had my wedding dress on and my makeup and hair done so I'm assuming that's why they were staring at me. "Hi can I help you?" The guy behind the counter asked "Yes.. I ordered a pair of heels from here and they came this morning but when I put them on they were the wrong size" I replied "Can I exchange them for the same pair but different size" i added and put the current pair of heels on the counter "Sorry but we don't do refunds or exchanges" he shakes his head "Please! Just this once? I won't tell anyone" I pleaded.

"I'm sorry.. I still can't do it" he shakes his head again and pushes the box back In front of me "Listen here buddy.. I'm getting married in 3 hours and my bouquets are the wrong flowers, my heels are the wrong size and my nails have broken.. give me my pair of fucking shoes so I can get married" I grit my teeth "Okay.. alright I'll do it" he gave me the correct shoes and I put them on then quickly went to the nail salon and fixed my nails. After everything was back to normal, well for now, mum, aunt Gen and i rush home to get everyone else ready. "We're back!" i say and walk up to the guest bedroom.

I go wide eyed once i see everyone in their dresses, hair and makeup done, holding their bouquets and looking, stunning. "Oh my god!" i squeal and smile widely you all look absolutely fucking sexy!" i exclaimed and hugged them all "Okay! it's time to finally go so you can finally be Mrs Kendall Heart!" Hilary (Zach's girlfriend) says making us all laugh "I'm excited too.. but i love being an Ackles, i think i'm going to keep my last name.. i've talked to Jason about this and he said whatever decision i make he will still love me" i smiled "Awww!" everyone cooed "I wish Dylan was like that to me" Rebecca chuckles (Dylan's girlfriend) 

We all leave the house in the limo and in a short amount of time we finally arrive at the church. I spot dad and uncle Jared pacing in front of the door looking uneasy. "Wow.. Kiddo" he says softly and smiles, hugging me "You look beautiful.. you all look beautiful" uncle Jared says then hugs us all "We have a slight problem though" he added "Jason's not here" dad blurts out "WHAT!" I yell "Where did he go!?" i exclaimed "I honestly don't know.. he said he wanted to do something wild before he got married" dad replied.



"If Jason isn't here then that means no wedding! and i'm freaking the fuck out!"

It kept on trying to call Jason but he wouldn't answer and I was getting really worried. About and hour or two of waiting outside of the church i decided to tell all the guest that the wedding is off and got my parents to cancel the reception and the photographers. We all then went home and changed into our normal clothes and waited for some sort of call from Jason. A few minutes later my phone finally rings and the caller ID is Jason's. I answered it immediately and jumped to my feet. "Hello!?" I questioned frantically "Hi baby" he said in a raspy voice "Jason?!" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Yeah it's me sunshine... I'm at the hospital... I'll tell you everything once you get here" we hung up and i put my phone in my back pocket "Jason's in hospital" i say "What?!" everyone looks at each other, panicking. We all got into our cars and speed to the hospital. Once we get there one of the nurses told us Jason's room number but only one person could see him at a time so i went first, i finally found Jason and his parents were already there but they left so we can be alon. I then sat by his bedside. "Oh Honey... what the hell happened to you?" i asked and held his hand in my. His other hand was in a cast and he had cut and bruises on his face and body. 

"I wanted to do something crazy before we got married, so i went skydiving... the ended of course terribly because i landed in a tree and cut and bruised myself" He explains. "Baby.. you scared me to death! i was so worried about this whole day going perfect and i didn't.. half my nails broke off, my heels were the wrong size and all the bouquets were the wrong flowers, they sent me fucking tulips instead of roses and once everything was back to normal we arrived at the church only to see my dad and uncle Jared pacing outside and telling us that you were missing" i said "But your okay now.. and i'm so fucking glad" i added.

"You'll still marry me right?" he asks, i looked at him like he was a maniac "What kind of question is that? of course i'll still marry you... you are gonna be stuck with me for the rest of your life" i laugh and kiss Jason as he laughs back "Do you want me to bring in the others?" i question "Nah, not yet.. just you and me for a while" Jason smiles and kisses me again.  

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