Chapter 32

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Kendall's POV

"So what courses are you doing Kendall" Ava asked "Film Production, Law School and Theatre Performance in Acting, what about you" i replied "Dance and Art history" she said. For the rest of the day we had the best time with each other. We walked around Campus and i think Ethan and Ava are really hitting it off.


After Jason, Chris, Ethan, Zach and Dylan stayed for a week that turned into another week and that turned into a month and that turned into 2 months but Ava didn't mind i think her and Ethan have a little something going on between the two of them. 

*Fire Alarm Blaring*

"Shit!" i yelled over the alarm "What's happening?" Jason yawned "There's a fire! i can smell smoke!" i said "FUCK! I have a big exam too!" Ava yelled. I let everyone in front of me and pushed them out into the busy hall way where everyone is trying to get outside onto the quad "Our clothes!" Ethan exclaimed "No time!" i replied even though i did feel bad for the guys since they were only in their boxers and nothing else. "We have to wait till the fire fighters come then the professors are going to do a headcount of everyone! so hide somewhere where they can't see you! go!" they all nodded in response and sprinted down somewhere to hide. 

After waiting forever for the firefighters they finally got the fire out and all the professors did a headcount "Alright students! I am very sorry to get you all out of the building at 4 in the morning but the fire is out so we can all head back to our dorms to get a few more hours of sleep before classes in the morning" one of the professors say. Ava and i ran the opposite way of everyone to find the guys, we cracked up laughing after eventually finding them running up and down the little car park that is behind the dorm buildings to keep themselves warm "Come on! we can go back in now" i laughed. 


I heard the door to the lecture hall i was in open but ignored it since there are always late comers to class even though there's like 10 minutes of the lecture left. A presence sit's next to my on both my left and right side but i completely blocked them out because i have to take these notes and study them and if i miss out any important information i will fail this Law exam in the next upcoming weeks. "Hey do you have a pen?" a deep voice says "Uh.. yeah.. here.." i mumble and place a pen on his table "Do you have another pen i could also borrow?" the other deep voice asked. 

"Yes... just find it.. your.... yourself" i scribble furiously jotting down as much as i can of what my professor is saying. "You know that is no way to treat your family right?" one of them chuckled, confused i looked up to see dad on my right and mum with JJ on her lap then to my left i see uncle Jared with Shep on his lap and Aunt Gen with Tom on her lap. I made a loud almost non human noise causing other people stare at me and my professor stop talking "Is there a problem up there Miss Ackles?" he asks "No professor.. sorry" i shake my head "Good" he nods his head and continues to speak.

"Okay class i will see you all next week! also don't forget the homework" People started to pack their things and either move into their next class or go back to their room "I can't believe you guys are here!" i grinned and hugged everyone tightly "We missed you sissy!" JJ exclaimed making me laugh. I picked her up and propped her up on my hip and collect my things "That Law stuff was intense" uncle Jared chuckled "I thought you knew your stuff Sammy.." i smirk "Ha ha" he said sarcastically "You guys can head up to my room i just gotta hand in this script for my Film production class" i say and go to put JJ down but she holds onto me.

"I wanna stay with you sissy" JJ says, Shep and Tom also say the same thing and hold onto my leg "Can you handle them for a few minutes?" Aunt Gen asked "Of course! i love these monkeys to death, i'll only be a few minutes" I walk off with both boys by my side and JJ on my hip. "Hey Professor Windall.. i have my short story script" I put JJ down to retrieve my script from my bag "How old?" she asked "JJ and Shep are both 6 and Tom is 8" i smiled. 

(A/N: Don't forget that i timeskip so all the characters are older)

"Are their names short for something?" 'Damn what's with all the questions' i thought "Yeah JJ is short for Justice Jay, and well his real name is Austin but we call him by his middle name Shepard, Shep for short and Tom is short for of course Thomas" i replied "That's cute.. who's the lucky guy?" she smiled, I was stunned for a second there "Uh what?" i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion "You obviously had three kids so who's the father" she repeated "Oh god! god no! i'm JJ's adoptive sister.. yeah her parents adopted me and Tom and Shep are my adoptive parents best friends kids.. i would've been only 11 when i had Tom" i chuckled.

"Crap! i am so so so sorry Kendall i feel terribly sorry that i just assumed that they were your kids" she apologized "No need! it's fine" i chuckled "Okay then, i will give you your grade for your script next lesson then i'll give the class the next part of the assignment next lesson" I nod in response and left the room with the kids walking next to me.

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