Accurate. Very much so. I'm always very cold, but I sit on a row on the stand by myself, so...
It's me. I'm a horrible person who has not updated in forever. I'm sorry.
I have cousins over. They're cute and crazy
There is a woman in the stake YW presidency who knows my mother. So it's one of those weird situations where she acts like she knows me, but she's super sweet.
She's crazy. She shipped me with a boy at the Super Saturday, saying her daughter dates his brother. She also said my parents would approve.
At the temple, I was sitting next to my crush and she winked at me.School might actually kill me. I disagree with my bio class, like, morally. Break is almost over and I'll have to go back and NOOOOOOOO
I feel so sick.
My cousins have been taking turns sleeping in my bed, and they kick and sleep with a white noise thing. Imagine trying to fall asleep to the sound of water dripping. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop. Drop.
So I haven't been sleeping much.
I have a killer cold as well, and a broken toe?This kid kicked me in PE soccer and I'm pretty sure it broke my toe. It's been swollen for about 1.5 weeks. It really hurts to walk on. People were asking me at the temple why I was limping. I've just continued limping. I can't stop! It hurts!
Well, that's my life. What interesting things have happened with your life?