Journal Entry 4:

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Lovin' summer!!

A day at the pond!  YEAH! Since my most recent "drowning" dream, I have a renewed interest in swimming lessons.  Teaching the boys how to swim just HAST to happen!  We came back from Hawaii with 3 strong swimmers (Justin, Colton, Tyler). Bryan and Lucas were very comfortable in the water, but still not able to "swim".  Put little bodies in 75 degree water .... you get lots of splashes and fun.  Put little bodies in 60 degree water (I'm guessing here), you get ... what shall we say "inhibitions."  However, I've been quite surprised at their successes!!

The kayaks and paddle boats were left on the pond after Camp Dwight and so we've been taking advantage of them.  If you've never seen a 7-year-old in a cute little life-jacket learning to paddle, you are missing something adorable!  Bryan was the first to attempt, and now he, Justin, and Colton are champs.  Children catch on so quickly.

Then there's Lucas!  Oh, my little Lucas!  There is nothing timid about this little one.  He attacks the water with all his heart.  He started out our afternoon at the pond by being the first to get wet.  Then he started swimming (with his life-jacket on) back and forth in the shallow parts.  Each time, he'd go out just a little further until he was about 15' out.  Then, he began jumping off the end of the dock to me.  By the end, he was RUNNING down the dock and LEAPING off to me!!  Then, he barks, "Let me go!" and swims to the shore.  He's amazing!!

Bella wowed us all today as well.  She started by just wading (with life-jacket on) in the shallow parts.  But, when everyone began jumping off the dock, she gathered up her courage and went to jump, too.  I think she changed her mind just at the last minute but her body was already falling forward, so in she went with a look of "what am I doing"!  She clung to me at first and then we began to work on swimming.  In just a little bit, she jumped off again and swam some more.  By the end of our time, she would swim to me from the shore and then (without touching me) turn around and swim back to shore!  You go girl!

Justin practiced gaining more confidence in swimming without his life-jacket.  He can book all over the pond with his cute little doggie paddle.  I think he's interested in learning how to swim backwards, next.  I demonstrated the sidestroke, backstroke, breaststroke, and poorly attempted the butterfly.  Lots of fun!

Yesterday ... after my second nap (thank you, hero Dwight), I decided to make Manicotti.  I had made the day before, my first batch of Ricotta Cheese.  Inspired by my amazing sister-in-law, Carla, I used 1 gallon of fresh goat milk from our Nubian does.  It was GREAT!  And super simple, too. The Manicotti turned out fabulous with Naomi raving that it was the best she'd ever had.  Dwight, Carrie, Kent, Naomi, Bella, boys, and I all partook.  Mmmmmmm..... We topped our dinner off with a superb, homemade fresh blueberry pie made by Delores Booher and Sarah Booher.  Ah!  Delectable perfection.

'Tis all for now.

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