Mind control (part 2)

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*Jungkook's p.o.v*

I woke up and stretched. I was going to go have breakfast and brush my teeth, but then Taehyung burst into my room and made my jump out of my skin and Namjoon to fall out of the bed with shock.
"She's gone." He said whilst breathing fast.
"Who?!" I half shouted not wanting to believe it.
"Y/N. Y/N IS GONE." He yelled at me.
"Where?" Namjoon said getting to his feet.
"I don't know do I.  I woke up and her bed is empty."
"Are you sure shes not in the dorm." I asked
"I've checked everywhere."
"She may if gone to go see Emily."
"Can't of. Her phone was here and I called Emily to see if she was there and she wasn't."
"You guys seen Y/N?" Jimin asked.
"No." We all replied.
"Let's go searching and come back in a hour." Jin said with Jhope at his side. We all dressed and ran out the dorm looking for her. I even looked in the girls toilets and changing rooms. Luckily it was so early there was no one in there but she wasn't so I guess it was unlucky.

1 hour later.

We all came back to the dorm after searching the whole school.
"She can't of ran away." Jin said holding namjoon's hand.
"Yes she can. We weren't exactly treating her fairly were we." Taehyung said with his head in his hands. I patted his back.
"Taehyung don't worry we'll find her."
"We could aleast use the schools cctv cameras?" Jhope suggested.
"Why didn't you open your mouth earlier?" Jimin said angrily.
"I only just thought of it." He said raising his hands defensively.
"Let's go." Said Namjoon standing up. We all ran to the main office and aked to look at the cctv footage from last night. As they were shit staff they let us look. We went to the camera outside our dorm and waited. Then after 10 minutes of sitting and waiting something happened. A man dress in all black came up to our door amd unlocked it. He walked inside and we waited. After about 5 minutes he came out with Y/N on his shoulders. He locked the door and walked down the corridor we followed him with the camera until he was out of our site. We swiched cameras and watched him cautiously walking with her on his shoulders. He walked down the corridor and left the school with no problem. Then this shocked us with out warning. As we watched she woke up. He put her in the ground and punched her hard in the side of the head. All our eyes widened with horror. She flumped into the floor and didn't wake. I heard Jhope sniff and I put my arm around him. She was carried away out of the cameras vision.
"Oh god." Said jin, horrified of what he just watched.
"He just left." Said Jimin Tae got up and left the room. I followed after him.
"Tae, come back."
"She was in the same room as me. I could of helped. This is my FAULT."  He threw his fist at the wall and it broke. I stared wide eyes at the wall and the huge hole that was now there. I anxiously put my hand on his back and rubbed. He put his arms on the wall and cried. I didn't know what to do. I've never seen him like this. I hug him and he cries harder.
"I hate myself." He sobs.
"No don't. You couldn't of helped if you tried. You've  seen how he just knocked her out in an instant. Listen when we find her she'll be so happy to see us. Just image the happy gave she'll pull." I said trying to comfort him. He nodded and hugged me. I smiled and hugged back.
"Come on." Said Namjoon.
"Huh?" I said.
"We've got an idea where she might be."
"And the chance of her being there is?"
"Quite high." Jimin said.
"Okay then let's go." We all left the school and followed Namjoon. He took us to a hotel about a 10 minute walk away. We asked the receptionist if Y/N was here and she said she was here. We asked for a spare key ad this was an emergency and she gave us a spare key. We all ran to the stairs and we went to the second floor, door number 28. We stood outside the door waiting for aomethingbto happen. We listened closely.
"Aaahh S-Suga harder aahhh." Moaned a girl.
"That's Y/N." Taehyung said ear to the door.
"How do you know that."
"Umm, can we just save her please." We all gave him a look and unlocked the door. When we opened the door and the room was filled with moans. I strolled into the room and walked to the door where all the noise was coming from. I peeled trough the door and saw Suga fucking Y/N roughly and pinning her arms above her head. I wanted to gag but he'd hear me.
"You gonna cum for me." He moaned loudly.
"Y-Yes oppa." She screamed and came. I heard Suga moan as he came too. Suga got up and was walking towards the door. Me, Tae and Jimin had the sense to run out of the room but Jin, Namjoon and Jhope hid in the room.

Sorry I left it on a cliffhanger. And sorry for any spelling mistakes.

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