The end

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Y/N's p.o.v

I rubbed me eyes and they came into focus. I saw Jin pointing at me and I sat up a little straighter. I looked at them all standing around me and gulped. I didn't know what to say.
"Y/N I think we all have something to tell you." Jin said.

One by one they all apologised. I didn't need much more. I knew the apologies were real and  true. I smiled.

"So..." Jimin said trying to break the silence. We looked at him."Y/N why dont you go out with one of us." He said suddenly.
"What?" I asked shocked.
"Well I mean, we all like you and I think you like all of us." He said trying to explain.
"But I love you all! I can't just pick one of you!"
"It'll stop all of this." Taehyung said. I sighed.
"Okay. I will only agree to this if after I pick one of you the rest of you will not try to win me over in any way, deal?"
"Deal!" They all said at the same time.

"So who will it be?"


Bangtan, Boys School ( Bts FF 18+)Where stories live. Discover now