♪Dasi Run Run Run♪

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It was the next day. I walked into the living room and saw all of them sitting on the couch. I got nervous.
"Sit we need to have a chat." Said Jin. I sat down. It was quite when.
"Do you remember anything from your childhood."
"No, not much."
"We'll fill in the blanks." Jungkook said.
"So when you were little Jin told you that we were your best friends. But there is something else."
"What is it."
"We've all been in Love with you since the day we met you. Well not these two but the rest of us." Jhope said.
"So all this is because of a stupid crush thing when you were like 6."
"But it's more that that. Would a crush make sure that you never left their side or felt so bad when you went into hospital." Taehyung said
"YES!" I said furiously.
"Please we need you."
"That's what you said when I first was kidnapped by you."
"We've given you freedom."
"No you haven't. Every time I leave the dorm I've been stalked by one of you."
"We'll were better that Suga who just wants to fuck you." Taehyung said standing up.
"Well isn't that what you, Jungkook and Jimin did to me."
"What you said you wouldn't say." Jimin said
"I've had enough you've used me since day one." I stood up and Taehyung pushed me into the wall.
"Get off me." I said angrily. I pushed his hands off me and he staggered backwards. I looked at all of them. One of them caught my eye. Jhope. He had done nothing to me and I just accused him of using me. I bowed my head and walked towards him. He looked up at me and and I half smiled. He blushed and smiled back. He then held his hand out. I took it and he stood up.
"Where are you two going." Taehyung spits clearly mad by how I was taking a liking to Jhope. He didnt reply and pulled me out of the dorm and closing the door behind me. We caughtously walk down the corridor trying to avoid any teachers.
"Hey where are you two going." One of the head boys yelled. He held my hand tighter and bust out into a sprint. He almost pulled my arm out of its socket as I tried to keep up. We sprinted out of the school laughing all the way. We ran down this rural path lined with trees. It was pretty. We slowed down out of breath, hot and sweaty. He still had a tight grip on my hand I tried to loosen it by loosening my grip on his hand. He noticed and let go slightly. When I looked around I saw we were by this huge thick tree. I looked up at one of the branches and saw a torn rope.
"Remember this?" The moment he spoke I could remember.
"Yeah this is the tree we used to have a swing on." I smiled and kept on talking." Didn't Namjoon acidently rip the rope when he was tightening it?" I asked putting my hands together.
"Yeah we all laughed at him." I looked back at the tree and saw us as little kids playing on the swing. I saw myself on the swing. Jhope was behind me and pushing the swing as I screamed with my eyes closed. He pushed me so high. Jungkook was laughing. Taehyung was watching me with his head tilted. Namjoon, Jimin and Suga running about playing with toy guns. Jin was resting his head on the tree his arm over his eyes trying to go to sleep.
"I wanna show you somewhere else." He took my hand again. As I turned my head the past us faded away. We walked across this field. We stayed in complete silence apart from the wind rustling the tops of the trees and the birds chirping. We walked down a small path into a clearing. I saw a rusted and rundown park. I almost squealed at the sight of it.
"Oh my god. This place is still here?" He nodded. I walked towards the park and pushed open the rusted gate, the once blue paint chipping off. As I pushed it open it made a horrible screach and jammed half way. I slid through the gap and Jhope after me. I walked around the small park looking at each price of it. I looked at the swings. Me and Jungkook sitting talking about school. I looked to the stepping stones. I see me, Tae and Jhope jumping as far as we can go with out falling off. I look at the slide and see Suga, Jin, me and namjoon all going down one after the other and getting in a huge pile up at the bottom and Suga  (who was at the back) almost toppling over onto the floor infrount. I look to the bench and I see Jimin doing a weird little dance I  the table as I climb up to join him. I turn to Jhope and beam so widely, but he look at me sadly.
"There's only one more place." He took my hand and we walked back to the field. We walked away from the tree and the park and towards this area near a road. I knew what was gonna happen and I didn't want to see it. I try to dig my heels into the floor scared as to what I may see. As I look I see us playing football then I see myself kicking it and Taehyung missing it. I ran passed him to go get it. As I run to get it I look both ways. All is quite and there are no cars so I cross the road I pick the ball up and start walking back. Then I hear Jimin scream my name and I look and see a speeding car. Before I could do anything the car had hit me. I saw my younger self be dragged like a plastic bag under the wheel. When the car had sped off all the others came running to me to see if I was alive. Jin called an ambulance and then my parents. I watched the shadows disappears into nothing and fell to the floor. Jhope sat next to me and I hugged him tight. I saw how much all of them suffered when I was hit.
"I will never get that image of you out of my head. It broke my little 9 year old heart." Jhope said. All I did was cry.
"Do you see why we need you?" He asked in a voice unrecognizable.  It was croaky and low. It sounded like Taehyung a bit.
"Y-yes." I sobbed onto his shirt.
"Come on then." He helped me up and we walked back. It took a while. Jhope was telling me other stories about our past. Like about the time where we al played in a stream with my mum making sure we were all okay. Or the time we all had a Christmas together. Or the time we celebrated Jungkook's 9th birthday. That was all 10 years  ago. I can't believe we have all had such a past together and I can't remember it. When we arrived back at the school, it was dusk. Jhope knocked on the dorm door. We heard footsteps and then the door opened to reveal Taehyung in a short and shorts. He looked at Jhope then at me. I flung myself into his arms.
"I'm so sorry." I sobbed as he picked me up and stroked the baco if of my head. Jhope smiled behind us. We walked in and I saw all the others sitting watching a movie. They all had their heads looking at the door. When Taehyung carried my through they all sighed. I wiggled free from Taehyung and hugged each of them. I now knew the hardship that they had been through. I had completely forgotten about Suga. When we all sat back down on the floor and started watching the movie again, me still being held tight in Jungkook's arms, we heard a knock at the door. But it was more like.

Hey I hope you like this chapter please remember to vote and leave a comment. Love you all 😚😚😚

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