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new message from "theharinef"

theharinef: hey whats up

troyeboye: what does jacob want

troyeboye: doesnt "fuck off" mean anything anymore

theharinef: hey whats your problem

troyeboye: what does jacob want

theharinef: okay i see how it is

theharinef: you assume that because jacobs my best friend hes trying to harass you through me 

theharinef: just trying to be friendly here

troyeboye: oh sorry

theharinef: i feel personally attacked

troyeboye: i said im sorry

troyeboye: its just

troyeboye: he got my brother to send me a message so i wouldnt be surprised if he used you too

theharinef: wow

theharinef: im going to say something that stays between you and me

troyeboye: okay?

theharinef: thats pretty desperate even for jacob

theharinef: so if hes doing that much to talk to you

theharinef: you must mean a lot to him

troyeboye: wow

troyeboye: but i cant talk to him

theharinef: why not

troyeboye: because im mad at him!

theharinef: at him or at those kids who yelled at you

troyeboye: how did you know about them

theharinef: jacob tells me everything

troyeboye: well

troyeboye: im mad at both

theharinef: mad?

troyeboye: yes

troyeboye: no

troyeboye: i dont know

theharinef: youre making no sense

troyeboye: im scared of them

troyeboye: no im scared of him

troyeboye: im scared of what will happen if im with him

troyeboye: and im scared of what will happen if im not with him

theharinef: well

theharinef: the real question is do you want to be with him

theharinef: in spite of what happened or might happen or will happen

theharinef: because if its a yes you should go for it

troyeboye: i dont want to talk about this anymore

"troyeboye" is offline.

a/n: have a great dayyyy

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