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new message from "bixenbrat"

bixenbrat: hey troye

troyeboye: what

bixenbrat: can we study together

troyeboye: what?

bixenbrat: cmon troye i need help

troyeboye: no

bixenbrat: troye please

troyeboye: why

bixenbrat: i already said

bixenbrat: i need help

troyeboye: fine

troyeboye: library?

bixenbrat: actually could you come over

bixenbrat: i cant get a ride and my bike is broken

troyeboye: convenient

bixenbrat: um what

troyeboye: nothing

bixenbrat: okay

bixenbrat: see you soon

"troyeboye" is offline.


what am i doing? 

why am i going to jacob's house?

why do i want to go to his house?


troye knocked on the front door. footsteps echoed.

"just a second!" jacob's voice was muffled from inside the house.

troye scuffed his shoe against the flagstone entryway. he tried to ignore jacob's radiant smile as the door opened.

"hi," he said, guiding troye in. "do you want anything to drink?"

"no, i'm good," troye said quietly. he sat down besides jacob at a long wooden table. he skimmed over the notebook laying open. he cleared his throat, quickly glancing at jacob watching him expectantly, and began to talk.


jacob watched as troye made tight, nervous gestures to illustrate what he was saying.

they made brief eye contact, leaving troye red and sputtering. he couldn't believe troye actually came. he couldn't believe that troye was here, in his house.

troye is right here.


he tried not to look at him, but all he could think of was jacob.

watching him. troye could feel his red hot gaze melting him from the inside out.


jacob leaned closer to troye, making him take a sharp breath in.

"what's wrong?" jacob felt troye's shaky exhale on his face. troye licked his lower lip, looking at jacob through furrowed eyebrows. 

"nothing's wrong." he shook his head. jacob leaned even closer, their noses almost touching.

"you can tell me, troye."

"jacob." troye's voice was a whisper that barely made it past his lips.


troye felt like clay in jacob's hands. like sand falling through his fingers. one of jacob's hands was at the small of his back, the other cupping his face. they felt like fire, slowly burning into his core.

all he could think about was jacob's lips on his. gently sculpting troye's mouth to fit his own.

troye felt like he was drowning. he felt like jacob was seeping through his pores. coloring him with something new. with something special. with something beautiful.

he was drowning in jacob.


all jacob could think about was troye. how he was here, just beneath his fingertips. here, flooding his senses. leaving him dazed and senseless.

he pulled away recultantly. so he could see if troye wanted this as bad as he did. so he could give troye a chance to leave before he lost control of himself again. so he could look at troye. troye, sitting in front of him, his mouth hanging open. 

troye pulled his hands back uncertainly, as if he hadn't noticed they'd made their way to the back of jacob's neck. his voice broke the silence. "what was that for?"

"i couldn't help myself."

"that was..." troye's eyes flickered to his, then down to the floor as he hung his head.


"never mind."

"troye, tell me."

"i have to go."

"please. stay."  he reached out to take troye's hand.

he stood abruptly. "i have to go."

jacob watched as troye left, quickly and quietly.


new message from "bixenbrat"

bixenbrat: hi

troyeboye: what do you want

bixenbrat: to talk with you

troyeboye: no

troyeboye: why are you so interested in talking to me

bixenbrat: youre my friend

troyeboye: im nothing to you

bixenbrat: youre my everything

troyeboye: theres nothing between us

troyeboye: were just

troyeboye: acquaintances

bixenbrat: were so much more than that

troyeboye: jacob nothing happened

bixenbrat: troye

troyeboye: that never happened

troyeboye: just leave me alone

"troyeboye" is offline.

a/n: ugh i want to publish my other stories but they're so unpolished cries

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