In this town, it all went down ;

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// a.n - i apologize in advance for my terrible writing, this is my first time writing a longer story so dont give up on me just yet. this first chapter is pretty bad but it gets a bit better as it goes on. thanks for readin! (p.s, pls leave comments, i need to know if this is good or not)


Dan woke up to the sound of his creaky ceiling fan, the bland grey-white of his room almost hurting eyes.

The morning sun shined perfectly through Dan's window, casting a warm orange glow across the nerdy posters he had on his wall.

He turned his head to see the red electronic numbers telling him he was late for school, also telling him Woody was going to be pissed.

Dan quickly threw his feet over the bed side, throwing on his usual outfit. Running his hands through his hair, Dan looked in the mirror one more time before grabbing his book bag and leaving his house.

"What took you so fucking long?" Woody almost yelled.

"Alarm clock didn't go off. Sorry, mate." Dan slid into the front seat of Woody's car, as Woody sped off as quick as he could.

"It's alright, just don't do it again. I cant risk being late again."
Woody smiled.

Dan chuckled. "You'll be late whether or not you take me to school."

"Can't argue with that."


Class dragged on for what seemed like hours, and Dan's homework piled up from each passing class. Finally, the last bell rang and people poured into the hallways, getting rides home or making their way to the bus.

"Oi, Dan!" Woody shouted.

Dan quickly turned on his heel, making his way towards Woody.

"You ready?" Woody asked.

"Yeah. I'm exhausted. Exams are stressing me out."

"Who isn't stressed out these days?"

Woody and Dan made their way to his car, hopping in on both sides. Woody started the car and began pulling out of the parking lot. The two sat quietly, before Woody broke the silence.

"So.." Woody said dragging out the 'o.'

"What?" Dan questioned.

"There seems to be a really cool par-"

"No, Woody. You know I hate parties. I'm not going to some-some dumb, fucking party just to watch some kids get wasted. Besides I have homework to do." Dan interrupted.

"Come on, you never relax. Just come with me for once! Who knows you might love parties, you've never even been to one." Woody said as he turned the car down through their neighbourhood, which was particulary close to their school.

"No Woody. I'm not going."
Woody sighed, he pulled up to Dan's driveway, turning the car off and letting Dan hop out.

"You're positively sure you don't wanna come..?" Woody asked once more.

"Positively sure."


Dan's pencil moved across the white page stained of black ink. Dan was one of the brighter students in his class, so homework wasn't nessacarily a problem, but it did add up and ended up taking most of his free time.

As Dan was finishing up, his phone buzzed on his bedside table. Dan sighed, putting his pencil down and reaching for his phone. It was Woody.

10:37 pm

woody - dAn... dan you shuld come hcheck out this party. its wickeeeeedddddddd

Woody was of course drunk, and most likely everyone else at the party was too, even though they were all underage and probably stole the liquor from their parents. Dan smiled a bit at Woody's lack of typing skills.

10:38 pm

dan - how drunk are you?

woody - purty deunk

woody - duenk

woody - drunk.

dan - you need me to come get you?

woody - fnooo no you dont need to come get me from the party yuo just need to come join me AT the party

dan - woody, no you sound awful just let me come get you alright mate?

woody - fine dine fine fine comr get me im at wills house you should know where thatss at.

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