From our small island brought right back to these shores ;

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// a.n - im terrible at being original ideas so this is kinda cliche and im also a terrible writer

Dan plopped down on his bed after a horridly long day at school.

The same few kids who liked to pick on Dan did so through out the day, Woody wasn't at school so Dan sat alone mostly, and once again, he had lots of homework.

Dan sighed as he laid on his bed sheets. He didn't feel like doing much.

Suddenly, his phone buzzed against the bed sheet, causing Dan to jump a bit. He sat up and grabbed his phone, expecting it to be a text from Woody, either dumb question or asking for the answers to tonights homework. But it was suprisingly niether. It wasn't even Woody. It was Kyle.


unknown number - hey dan! it's kyle, the dude from the party.

Dan smiled at the text. He couldn't believe he texted him. He thought it was a drunk mistake that Kyle gave him his number. Dan quickly texted back.


dan - hey kyle, hows it going?

Dan sighed. How lame could he possibly be?


unknown number - im alright! you doing well? sorry i didnt text you sooner after the party. didnt wanna be a creep.

Dan envied the way Kyle could just text how he talked, and not become an awkward mess and get the sentence completely backwards.

He also loved his over usage of the exclamation point, showing his personality well.

dan - im okay. and no dont apologize. i dont mind. just glad you texted me in the first place. :)

"What the hell, Dan? What's with the fucking smiley face?" Dan mumbled to himself. Dan threw his phone beside him and fell back down on his bed once again.

The phone buzzed again.

'Don't answer it. He probably realized what a weirdo you are and never wants to talk to you again.'

But Dan, nevertheless, answered it. And it was the complete opposite of what he expected.


unknown number - just wondering, i'm free this saturday. maybe we could hang out. go do some dude stuff y'know?

"Oh." Dan sighed, relieved. He smirked a bit.

dan - of course. sounds great. what time?

unknown number - i'll come around to your house at around 1:00 tommorow, only if its alright with you! just text me the address later.

dan - its perfect. see you then. :)

Dan rememberd he hadn't put Kyle in as a contact, so he quickly did so.

Pulling up the list, he went to his number and put in his name:

"kyle :)"

Of course with a dumb smiley face beside it.

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