'Real women have curves'

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Today I would like to educate you on what makes a real woman.

I am aware that many women strive to be skinnier however there are many naturally skinny girls and women. I am not trying to offend you reader, I am just letting you know how this statement is a double standard.

It's just as saying 'Real women are skinny' which a lot of people will be complaining with. See where I'm going?

However to say that 'real women have curves' is simply rude, ignorant and disrespectful. It's technically saying that any woman without curve is unreal and that is simply false.

To begin with, having curves does not make you a 'real woman'. If you're not a woman in the brain and at the heart, you're not a woman.

Are skinnier and non-curvy women supposed to agree that they are not 'real women' because they have no curves? Is this what body positivity is about? Making one body type better than the other and hoping it will make everything better?

You have just made YOURSELF better and in the process you have made others feel bad.

If the statement 'Real women have curves' is acceptable, then why not 'Real women have less fat rolls on their stomachs' or 'Real women wear make-up' and what not?

Do you see how offensive the rest of the statements I mentioned above come off as? Do you wish to be told that because you don't have makeup or heels or curves you are not 'real'?

Do you see how offensive the rest of the statements I mentioned above come off as? Do you wish to be told that because you don't have makeup or heels or curves you are not 'real'?

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Take the photo above for my example. I agree, curvy girls are beautiful! But guess what, so are skinny girls, tall girls, short girls the list goes on. We are all beautiful. Now the 'bones' is undoubtedly referring to skinny girls whilst 'meat' refers to curvy women and that is disrespectful. It is as disrespectful as referring to fat girls as 'pigs'.

Also, side note if a man loves you because of your body, that is wrong in my opinion. Any man can like any woman. Got it? If you're a skinny girl, don't let these bring you down. A boy will love you for who you truly are deep down and not based on your looks. Not all men have the same taste!

A real woman is a real woman. She should not be determined by her body type nor by her appearance in general. Having curves or bones or dimples etc does not make a woman real, it is who she truly is that makes her real.

Stop undermining others to make yourselves feel better. Make everyone feel better. Stop the hate.


A/N: Thank you for reading, please remember to vote 🌟 and share this with your friends please, I really want to spread awareness, people need to realize that body shaming comes in all forms and skinny shaming is one of them- it is equally serious as any other type of body shaming. Let me know what you think by leaving a comment. Xx- Farah ❤

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