Help! (Chapter 19)

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Warning: there will be a part which may be triggering to some readers, if you easily feel offended or uncomfortable please don't read.

Angelina POV:
I was walking towards the dance studio, when another classmate came up to me, Donghan. Oh yeah, you all know about him right? He's the guy I was forced to sit next to, and is also in Produce 101... and probably thinks I'm a weirdo because of the stupid impression I gave him... ah damn

He stopped in front of me and made a cross sign with his hands whilst smiling, aww his smile was so adorable~~

He stopped in front of me and made a cross sign with his hands whilst smiling, aww his smile was so adorable~~

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Donghan: dance class is cancelled today, sorry for the late notice!

Angel: what? Really? Awh, man! *pouting* I was so anticipating that

Donghan: mhm me too! I needed to dance that stress away haha

Angel: you know what, me too!

Donghan: I guess we gotta head back home, ey?

Angel: yupp

Donghan: ah! Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, I'm Donghan! Hope we can be good friendss

Angel: oh, I'm angel! And uh... *scratches head* sorry for that uh first impression I made before I hope you can completely erase that from your brain... haha... *awkwardly laughs*

Donghan: aniyo, it's alright; we all get angry once in a while right? Ah! I have to go back to class to pick up a few things, do you wanna walk back together?

I was so tempted to say yes but then I realised I had to pick up my clothes from the changing room; and check up on the classroom me and Justin cleaned, so I had to say no... ugH

Angel: maybe next time? I've got a few things I have to take care of

Donghan; alright! See ya! *walks to classroom*

I walked towards the changing room, and picked up my clothes, stuffed them in my bag (cos hell no I could not be bothered to get changed again) and walked to the old classroom to check if it was clean and all. When I arrived, it was all okay and tidy so I set off to go home.

I was walking through a field and then got to a pretty small, discrete alley way.. and oh my god... I just realised that I don't know the way back to the dorm.... I've only been there a few days oh no!! Ugh what ... where do I go? Looking around, there's no shops or even people where I'm walking.. it's kinda creepy.. da hell.

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