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"Thalia...?" He asked, a slight look of disbelief on his face.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out so Leo laughed, making my cheeks tint pink.

"Kate say hi to Jason." I could hear the smirk in his voice but at the moment I didn't care.

"H-hi... I'm... Kaitlin... Kaitlin Grace....your...your sister..."

"Sister? What? Leo who is this?" he looked from me to Leo and I turned to him.

"Leo...i came because you said he'd be 'so so happy to see me.' does he look happy? I have to go. i'm already in enough trouble...I never should have listened to you... bye, thanks again."

I pushed past him and started for the road but Leo caught up. With Jason. I started walking faster and they matched my pace.

"A. I only said so happy B. he's surprised C. where are you going?" Leo's smirk disappeared when he noticed I was about to cry.

"I don't have time for this, Leo. I never should have listened to you. I was supposed to be back at Carl and Sam's house by now and if I'm any later...... I have to go."

"Wait. Kate are they...... Are they abusing you?"

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Kate... I've been through enough of those places to recognize it... We can take you away from them. Come back with us and we can take you to a safe place... A place where they can't hurt you anymore."

"Leo..." Jason cut in, a warning tone in his voice.

I shook my head and Leo nodded. He didn't look at me with pity; nor did he look sad for me. He looked angry. We looked into each other's eyes for a minute before I nodded and he nodded back. Without another word he wrapped me in his arms and I fell into his embrace. It felt right for some reason. He pulled away from me and the three of us went back to the motel. There was a girl sitting on the bed. Jason smiled when he saw her and she smiled back. She was pretty. Her brown hair was choppy, like she'd cut it herself, and her eyes were an amazing kaleidoscope of color.

"That's Piper, Jason's girlfriend. Pipes, this is Kaitlin, Jason's sister."

"Hi.. I didn't know Jason has two sisters..." She got up and came over to us.

"I didn't either. I thought she was Thalia when I opened the door." Jason said, snaking his arm around her waist.

Piper nodded and they all stared at me.

"You look exactly like her's unreal." Leo poked my side and I smiled before he added, "and you're much more light-natured."

"Leo, why don't we go get some food for everyone and let these two talk some." Piper said pulling Leo towards the door.

"Okay... I'll see you later Kate; bye Jason." Leo said as Piper pulled him out the door.

" told me about you two before the accident... Well, what she could at least... How Thalia and I have the same dad but you have his Roman aspect."

" old are you?"

"Sixteen... You're seventeen, right?"

"Yeah. How is this supposed to work...? Being...siblings... If we only just met?"

"Things like this take time, plus we only just met. No one can expect us to immediately have a perfect relationship like we grew up together."

"It feels like i've known you forever... Same with how I felt when I first met Thalia. Of course, she knew I existed, and I sort of remembered her... You two look a lot alike... Except you wear your hair long and cured and hers is short and straight."

"I get it. We look alike, it's a miracle; do you have a twin too?"

Jason laughed and shook his head. By the time Piper and Leo got back with the food, we'd formed a fledgling relationship that seemed like it would eventually grow into a strong bond.

Heros of Houston (a Heroes of Olympus fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now